Looking for a new Thermometer/Hygrometer

I just bought a thermometer/hygrometer a couple weeks ago and it already crapped out. It was very cheap and tiny but it did have a probe so I can read the gauge from outside the tent without opening it. Anyone recommend a better one? I’d like to get another with a probe that measures both Temp and Rh. Some of the units I looked at only measure temp at the probe. This is the one I currently have


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Found this one. Reviews are good. Thoughs?

AcuRite Digital Weather Station with Wireless Outdoor Sensor


Had one and it worked great until my dogs chewed the monitor end!! If it’s not too much I’d recommend buying it.


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@SilentHippie I got this one on ebay think for like $4 and its been working great. My tent got real hot when I had it inside once and the face kinda slid around but lil super glue and it hasn’t happened again and it does have the cable so you can leave it outside your tent.


Yeah pulled the trigger on it yesterday. I like the wireless feature. You didn’t notice any interference from the electrical equipment? Only 20 bucks at the local home improvement store

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I use this one as well as a few other I like this one tho cause of the wireless sensor and Taylor makes decent stuff might have paid 20$ for this one

I’m my trade I found most of them are pretty accurate no matter the cost tho @SilentHippie just a heads up
Not saying you won’t get a better built unit for more just that they all use same type of sensors
Happy growing
If you didn’t know I’m a 25 year commercial Hvac tech / refrigeration guy so I have a bit of experience with these type things


I’ve found that most hygrometers in this price range are inaccurate to varying degrees. An easy way to check is the salt slurry test. Wet table salt will reach a relative humidity of precisely 75% in an enclosed space (like a ziplock bag), but it takes 12 hours.

In a small plastic lid or container -
1 tablespoon table salt
stir in a few drops water until it’s like a slush

put hygrometer in a ziplock bag, display side up, next to the salt mixture. Use a piece of cardboard to prop up the bag, then zip it. Leave it unopened for about 12 hours. At that time the hygrometer should read 75%. If not, at least you will know how much it’s off. Mine read 71% and if not possible to calibrate, just make a mental note. .