Thank you My second ever proper attempt at a run so fingers crossed, definitely a better light that I was using I believe anyways (vipaspectra v600)
Never seen them before. 1.7 umol/watt isn’t very good by current led standards, about same efficacy as usimg hps.
Do you think it be better than a vipaspectra v600 which I believe is 200 odd true watt?
Yes, it’s probably a much larger light
Where is your carbon filter?
Looking good , welcome to the community
Thank you brother! Hope you’ve been well
I’ve been extremely busy with work and some traveling, but making it work. Hope all is well for you too!
Ahhh know how that can be! I’ve been well thanks brother
Thanks @Vtbudz, I appreciate the feedback. I was originally spraying the top but it didn’t seem to get down deep enough. So yesterday once it dried past my knuckle, I poured 16oz at 6.5 ph, 4-6 around the plant and it seemed like it worked pretty well. How do you know the middle of the medium has enough water? I’ve been sticking my finger down as deep as possible to feel moisture, but I want to be careful of not damaging the roots
Thanks @6stringT, I’m new to this, how do I follow your grow?
Thanks @Fieldofdreams, when thinking of first strain to grow GDP instantly came to mind, love it. I think she sprouted on May 9th here she is now
Thanks @The_Chef, I have a sf1000d that draws 96 watts, I originally was only growing 1 plant, but decided to start another. Funny story, I tipped her over right when she was pushing up dirt. The medium went everyone, I went throw the dirt and found her, replanted and now she’s a little seedling
@DEEPDIVERDAVE thanks for the reply, below is the set up. I was originally hanging the light to close, but once I found that out I pulled the light up to 24in. I have the filter right in center towards the top of the tent
@Jonny420 I don’t want to get labeled a ‘plantdephile’ but those are some good looking young ladies lol.
Oh, there you are welcome back! You can follow my grow at this thread; “6stringTs #5 grow journal”. Just updated yesterday. or “Coco loco and Jacks 321 nutes”. Just use search. I posted a tag for you also. I’m here to learn and help.
When you posted pics in reply to @Fieldofdreams , you just didn’t wait long enough for them to fully load. It takes a minute or 2 some times for security reasons…Also @Fieldofdreams has a vivid imagination so he (she or it) can figure it out.
@6stringT woo sah friend. Lighten up. ‘It’ works fine. I’ve been called way worse lol.
So, @Fieldofdreams, you are not a bot! You did post a self-portrait on my journal that made me think you might be a bot or something!
@Jonny420 the roots will stretch out to find the water and the more you stay out side of the main root zone the more roots will search then every once in a while give a little around the stem then at that point you should be able to water the hole pot