Anybody else having trouble logging in to their account Thinking the new ILGM website didn’t download peoples email addresses Waiting on second reply about the issue!
No issues on my end.
Logged in normally here.
I generally use my phone, so it stays logged on. But no restart with the updates.
I use my phone also. Stays logged in.
Ive an android and did have to log back in but with no issues since.
Web version working normally for me
Working fine for me too. Try clearing your browser cache. It may clear up the problem.
I get emails everyday from ILGM I was told by the administration that I’m in there system. So still waiting for a second response from ILGM and what is browser cache Im not savvy with computers!!
Go to your settings screen. There is usually a search function. Search “cache”. You could also search “history” and clear that as well.
New User here! No issues logging in but I don’t seem to be able to start any posts. I would love to start some grow journals and other topics!
You have to read so many posts, give likes and your privileges will increase so you can post new topics and have full access. It doesn’t take long. Welcome aboard!
Ahh beautiful. I shall begin!
Welcome to the forum! @Aeromatics
Welcome @Aeromatics . It takes a little time. Just keep liking and responding. Your access will increse pretty quickly.
Same problem here logging in.
No issue logging in, and welcome @Aeromatics
Giving a few likes and looking at a few topics will get you vetted pretty quick. Keeps the Bots out. Welcome to the Forum