Little yellowing going on

Day 61 from seed, and the bottom leaves are showing some yellowing. She’s a Purple Punch auto flower from ILGM grown outdoors organically. A little over a week ago She had a little ant problem so I dusted the soil with DE. My Question being… is she just showing her maturity, or maybe a problem from the DE making its way through her. I feel like I’m just being a nervous nelly. But any comments would be a Appreciated.


She’s looking good to me. Because the rest of plant looks healthy, you are this far into flowering and it’s only a couple of leaves at the bottom. I think you are probably just seeing some fading as it uses up nutes stored in the older fan leaves. Are you able to check things like soil pH and ppm? Using Cal-Mag? I believe most fading is due to pH issues or nute lock that tends to happen towards the end when the salts build up or we’re overfeeding. With only a week or two to go unless the yellowing picks up pace and starts moving up the plant, I would let it be.
Looks like tasty smoke to me! :sunglasses::+1:t2:


Thanks! I’m just gonna keep an eye on it and see if the yellow travels at all.

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Shes looking good bro. The DE wont affect your soil or plant. I use it also. You girl looks great! Lower leaves will fade and wither up. Its completely normal. Cant wait to see the finished product :slight_smile: @BroncoBob


What strain is that by the way? It’s a beautiful auto and looks super yummy. :sunglasses::+1:t2:

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It’s purple punch

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I knew that looked good. I like me some Purple Punch. From the looks I think that one might actually punch you bro!! :joy::sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I’m pretty much hoping I get a blackeye from her!!! Lmfaooooooo :crazy_face:

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@ChittyChittyBangin @Shadegrown
Well she’s turning quickly. This is over night. Came Home from work and noticed the dead leaves on the bottoms, and it’s making its way up yellowing. :cry:

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Do you have a ph and tds meter?

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I just have a pH pen. I don’t have a tds meter. Probably my own stupid fault I thought my grow was going pretty good and didn’t need one.


I have a cheap set on standby for just in case moments. We can at least rule out ph… get some distilled water. Mix 2 parts soil to 1 part distilled water in a cup. Stir. Allow to sit about 5 minutes. Stir again. Allow to sit 15 min and then check the water ph… try to get a soil sample from the middle of the pot a few inches down. Going along the side of the pot is fine so you dont disturb the roots much. @BroncoBob


OK I’m definitely gonna check that give me a few to get back.


Ok I followed the recipe, and PH pen is reading 4.8.


Alrighty. Need to pump those numbers up. What is the ph of.your tap ? @BroncoBob

What nutes are you using?


PH is running 6.9. I’ve only ever used rainwater that I collect. I use dr earth nutes veg and bloom. Last time I top dressed was a combo with 30% veg and 70% bloom about 22 days ago.


Gotcha. Id feed again. Do your nutes give you an option to brew a tea? I use dry amendments also and feed every 2 weeks along with a top dressing of worm castings. I also supplement with worm castings tea. @BroncoBob


I also make a tea with molasses and liquid kelp I haven’t given it to her in about three weeks


Here is a chart that will help you understand nute uptake at certain phs.