Lightbrightt Fall/Winter Grow 😁

She’ll catch up in no time :grin::grin:

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Morning, so I have the text set at 70f 50-52h and the girls are all looking terrible sad, feed yesterday and the soil is still wet, so assuming not thirsty but the droop is real. Should I worry or not. I mean it’s cold as shit, could that be effecting them. Should I give them some more heat. We are approaching week 2 flowering for SD1 & OGK and week 1 for SD2.


What your light set at

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It’s at 75%

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Might want to bump it up a little see if that helps but numbers dont look to bad as far as i can tell sure others will help with more knowledge than i have :grin:


I moved it up and turned it up so we’ll give it a few hrs

Dropping at times is normal. Particularly after waterings and a hour or so b4/after lights out.

I would try and get the temp higher. At 70f you wont see much of any growth. It is possible IMO that they are just cold at a time its supposed to be warm(lights on]

Pics would help 2


Well watering was yesterday morning at 630 after lights on, they were fine yesterday all day, maybe temp dropped to much last night and lights come on at 6 am at its 10 and still drooping I’m trying to get the temp to increase but can’t find a happy medium at this point.


Ahh the struggles jk hope they perk up for ya sure they’ll come around i know ive been dealing with that between temp and humidity try to keep close as i can to ideal but yea right🤣


Yeah oh well. I spoke to soon when I said it was going smoothly


Haha i have been there! Things happen. Best thing we can do is recognize the problem, figure out potential causes, then do our best to adjust and keep on keeping on


Update. Crisis solved. I just had to use engineering brain and do things the opposite to go forward :person_facepalming:t4::smile: we sitting at 80f 60h. I’m not touching anything else today. They already starting to perk back up lord jesus.

Anyway self water containers came today they’ll be set up for tomorrows watering at some point. I’m too excited. See what problems come with that. Hmm :thinking:


Shh dont say that :rofl::rofl:

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Glad you figured it out best of luck with the watering bases​:crossed_fingers::+1:

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Just something else for me to do or figure out

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Sorry for the late reply had to feed p2 fixn to update journal :grin:

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Welp CPK went into the big tent with big girls since she’s a woman and going to be flowering sooner than later.

Small tent getting new lights and getting pots ready for NL run, tomorrow sometime.


So who wants to hear my sob story, no one

Anywho, took kid to ER yesterday he has pneumonia, stupid weather got him down been like a week, his doctor said it was just a upper respiratory infection :thinking:…so dealing with that to start the week.


Had to move the outdoor tent inside cause I was tired of fighting the humidity and trying to keep it warm at the same time, whatever :tired_face: smooth sailing yesterday


This morning lights on everything was good for 15 mins and boom light went off and can’t get it to come back on tried different plugs and outlets and areas, nothing.


Sending that back, ordered another one obviously different cause this is the 2nd issue with this light where I’ve had to replace it, new one should be here Wednesday, obviously completely different one, til than using the stupid little ones, hopefully it won’t effect anything to bad in a couple days.


Hope everyone else has a good Monday.



So sorry to hear about your troubles, hope your son feels better soon.
Hang in there and stay strong :muscle:


Hope everything gets better for ya see told you not to say it🙃jk

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