Light burn or another issue

I know it’s been asked and covered 1000 times, but live input always adds comfort. I’m just noticing a few more random leaves losing some color. It’s about 15” from my HLG 135


Also, went a day or two longer than I should have between waterings, but didn’t think it would have these effects

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Hello, is there anybody out there?

Yup looks more like nute burn or a possible cal mag or phosphorous deficiency is your upper growth droopy while you grow (shying away) if not then it’s probably not light damage also im seeing it on lower older leaves so im leaning towards deficiency


I’ve been adding a teaspoon of cal mag and ff trio at each watering. The previous watering was straight water to see where the soil was but then I followed it with a feed cause ppm out came out around 800. Then I got tied up and the soil got pretty dry and leaves started to show under watering, so I watered yesterday with cal mag and ff trio. Yesterday before watering is when I noticed the browning and yellowing on leaves. Thanks for the reply @GreenSnek. This is my first grow and this plant was well beyond my expectations so hate to see it crash and burn this far in

PPM too high, too much salt. Roots may be slightly damaged.
Light burn is extreme yellowing on anything too close to the light, the plant looks dry top to bottom and that’s an osmosis issue.


@Shatter So do you suggest a flush today? Followed by nutes?

I would just flush it out and leave it for a day or 2 without anything. Prolly have to owly run like 6 to 10 gallons thru the plant depending on size of pot she is in.


3 gallon pot. I heard pot size x 3. Use PHd distilled water or tap water OK? I think the PPM of my tap water is around 85. Thanks @Mark0427

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I use ro water myself but u can use distilled water also. U can get away with tap water also but distilled or ro water is alot cleaner which makes for a cleaner product. But yes u can use tap too just if u add nute always ph water after u add nutes not before. And just tap water needs to be phd also. Good luck hopefully they straighten up and listen to ur needs

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After u flush it i would think leave it be for a few days to dry out some maybe 2 or 3 days she is flowering so she will drink some water. After the flush and dry out then i would go back in and add the nute feed with only half does it calls for on the bottle. If it says qml per gal go half ml per gal of each and see how she reacts to that if all well for the next feed bump it up another quarter and see how she does if ok then bump her feed to full recommended doses. With it being so far into flower i would not be giving the cal mag. Id give it the bloom additives and. BOosters. I believe she really wont need much from the cal mag department t much anymore. She is looking more for the bloom. Utes and boosters.

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@Mark0427 awesome feedback. This is what I’m looking for. I’m using ffof and my other plant deteriorated quickly due to deficiency and cal mag seemed to stop the downward spiral. Others said this is common in about the third week of flower with ffof. I had planned to give cal mag every water until it was time to go straight water before harvest

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Oh man u came to the right forum. There is plenty if awesome for u. Show respect receive respect. Thats all everyone asks for. We r all one big happy highon family. Welcome to the group well forum. If u want to tag someone use the @ symbol in front of their name like @Bonzo when u hit the @ sign suggestions will pop up if u start to type a name u want to tag when u see it touch the name and it will insert the name for u. Good luck with the grow. Well the rest of the grow. Stay on keep us all informed we all love looking at pics of everyone’s progress. If any more questions there is a slip to fill out if u hit the question mark up top u can fill out the form that tells us everything about your grow thus far the further we know and can see the better off chances of helping u get to the problem. Ill get a couple guys who know the ropes of this stuff more than i do and anything that was or is said wrong they can correct. They r the master growers. @CoyoteCody @Covertgrower @Cannabian @Nicky @Not2SureYet @Tenga @pptrsha1 @kaptain3d. A few to help get u rolling they can tag the more they know that will be able to advise u more. Once again. GOOD LUCK happy growing


I even tagged a few jokesters for ya to have some fun too. Ur gonna be amazed at how this site will help.u to better your grow. Like a big ole family u never met before. This is the way the world should work. Maybe everyone need to smoke a fat ass doob all together. A single doob to their selves. Maybe everyone will co e together as one and love each other instead ok kill one another. Marijuana the escape drug to the refrigerator. Lmao


there are some things written on here about light intensity that actually cause deficiencies! 3 weeks into flower i had to start bumping cal mag and phosphorus. they become hogs.

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Hey man can you help me out?

Why are my girls laying down? I watered them Thursday. And I honestly can’t remember if I watered them yesterday a little or not. But I don’t think I did because I try to write in my journal

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Hello @Bonzo!
How long into flower is your lady? :thinking:
I would guess you are pushing her a bit with the nutrients, that would cover the burnt tips and the rest may just be your plant getting at the end of her run and getting the most of her leaves…

@Covertgrower, @Arrow or @Bulldognuts may know better though!

Happy growing and don’t forget : Less is more! :smile:


She just looks thirsty…


How big is that pot? She may be becoming root bound, looks thirsty…


Hi Bonzo and welcome to the forum! @Mark0427 u did a good job covering intro stuff! I am a new grower but am glad to help when i can
We all help each other.

Kcgrow im not sure whats going on with those leaves down like that. The soil does look dry.