Thank you very much for the info. I really am hearing great things about the 600R but I am intrigued with the 260s QB.
I’m the type of guy that likes to earn my stripes and as someone who has had the opportunity to learn from guys with a cup title, I believe top of the line such as Gavita is something that is to be earned !
After branching out and doing my own thing I started from scratch and have done all I can afford. One of my previous runs was done with an open wing aluminum hood that got its first run probably 20 years before I was born !
I’m thrilled to be working my way up to hang with some OGs and I’m enjoying all the input on choosing how I’d like to do things on my own for my very first time !
I think HLG presents the best value. I just point to that specific Gavita fixture to illustrate the typical “array” form factor.
Yeah, having more fixtures is always nice. If one breaks, you have coverage until a replacement comes in. If plants are at different heights, they’re easier to adjust. And they distribute light better. But that 600r is a great deal right now. I also own the HLG 260 XL R-Spec.
I just harvested 15 dry ounces in a 3X3 tent with two 300 LR specs, two plants in a scrog 2 months of veg 2 months of flour if you use the 300s you have more ability to spread the lights for better coverage you can potentially spread them three feet out to out still have even coverage throughout the middle
The 260xls are on sale right now for 3:15 - 15% for the dude code and those have a 3 ft wide heat sink on them already so they’re already spread 300l ,like 350 with the dude code
Yes straight Happy frog it seemed a little heavy to hold water for a long time so this time I took hellraisers notes and added 8 to 10 quarts of perlite per bag 2 cubic foot seems to drain very nice
Thank you, @Davyg had suggested the QBs that are DIY and I am very intrigued.
This is my first time completely setting up my own room and I need to learn about the lights and power.
I notice most of the HLGs are 120 or 240 with the self knowing feature. Are the 260s and 300s 120 and are the able to be piggy backed (plugged into each other) ?
Whether you chain the lights or not, the load on the circuit will be the same. In fact, not chaining them will give you the option of putting them on two circuits.