Let's talk DIY lights

You could probably tighten up a couple inches if you want, but it should work good like that too

That’s a unique design but I feel I’ve seen it some where before :thinking:

I think i will take a couple inches off each bar just wasnt sure how far it would spread out didnt wanna overlap to much or not enough to hit outside edge of tent. Maybe take like 2 inches off each bar bring it down to 28 ?

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That’s what I was originally thinking, keep boards spaced 6-8" that way.

Wow, my tablet is giving me fits. Can you tag me in the pvc grow? Looks awesome. Thanks

Nothing worse then being at work with a 1/2 done light project sitting at home. Looks like ill be pulling an all nighter tonight.


Been there, done that. Probably more than most people realize.

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Well i got her up last night but still need to figure out how im gonna mount the driver or rather i will just ziptie on the top of the tent, ran an extra ground wire for now just incase cause its not mounted on the fixture. These things do not disapoint tho is like looking directly into the sun, love the dimmable feature as plants i have them under are pretty young.

Just ordered my ac ifinity t6 with digital control for air control will be here in 2 days!


Big thanks to @dbrn32 and everyone else whos helped ive only been a member for less then 2 weeks and treated me like ive been here this entire time with you. Hopefully many more convos and builds to come hehe :slight_smile:


You can even run driver outside of tent of you want. If you mount to frame try and get weight centered.


Now i can still run my misting humidifer during veg and it wont short out the boards or anything will it?

I’ve never run humidifier like that, so I can’t be completely sure what will happen. You don’t have water running down walls or dripping from roof of tent right?

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Some growers use the evaporative type humidifier. I would steer you from using the misting version.

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No i keep it at about 60 pcnt humidity although first day i put it in there i turned it up to high and had it at about 93 pcnt and my platinums withheld pretty good lol.

I clean mine every load and run a diluted foliage feed through it for limited amount of time i do have a regular one i use normally

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Okay that makes more sense as to why, hopefully the misting is fine enough not cause spotting on the leaves.
I’ve seen misting humidifiers kill carbon filters. So just keep that in mind.

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A post was split to a new topic: Would this be worth buying?

After a bit of research and reading through the forums here, I’ve decided to build my own light, but I have a few questions that I cannot seem to find answers on.
I have a 3x3 tent, so Ive decided to use 2’ Bridgelux eb Gen2 Strips. They were fairly cheap, so I bought 15 of them based on a tutorial from another site.
1st question:

This is the wiring Diagram supplied by the tutorial. I have no real knowledge of wiring, but from what I read here, strip lights typically get wired in series for us beginners, however, this does not look like it is in series…follow this diagram or run in series? Meanwell 320H-C1400B is also the driver that it shows. Is there an advantage to running this driver over other 320H drivers from Meanwell?
2nd question is strip layout.
If im able to source a piece of .125" aluminum locally, I would like to use one solid piece as the heat sink over cutting and assembling U and L channel for the sink and framing.
Is running all 15 in a row better suited like this:
or spreading the out a little farther to cover a bit more area, perhaps like this:
Sorry for the long winded question…any suggestions, advice on this build would be greatly appreciated.


Driver question would be for @dbrn32 as far as wiring i would do in series one positive wire from driver to positive on first board board jump from negative on same board to postive on next board continue to last board and end up going out the negative to driver.

And i would go with the wider spread outlay if it isnt that much more of a struggle i did with my boards and i love it.

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What is the wattage for each strip? Power dissipation has to be accounted for in the heatsink/strip spacing and the thermal mass of the heatsink. You are looking for a certain coverage…24 X 36" I assume. I did 10 strips in a 22 X 30" for 36" coverage and didn’t really need to factor in the power dissipation (my strips were 24 watt) but a higher density of led’s would allow you to run the lights in their most efficient range. Probaby a LOT of light.