Let the blooms begin!

Although it’s happening sooner than I expected (still at 13.5 hr days) my White Widow has decided its time and I couldn’t be happier :)! The temps have been cooler and the nights are staying in the 50s & 60s so I’m guessing that has encouraged the bloom. They are approximately 4 mos old, were put out around the end of May but started indoors mid April. Pretty proud of them, they’ve given me a few scares but overall they have been very easy keepers and provided me with some really good cannabutter just from the prunings.

I’m curious to know what you think the harvest will be off these 5 plants?

I put my 45 lb dog in one of the pics as reference. They’re about 5.5 ft tall and 4 ft wide. I pinched tips quite a bit so I’ve got lots of buds. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not?


I wont say a actual number but if everything goes well your going to be very very happy
Nice job


Looking good. Mw WW has been flowering for a little over a week now. Your going to be really happy! high-five


That’s the way, fresh air, sunshine and their feet in the ground. I have no idea what you’ll harvest, I agree with @Countryboyjvd1971 you’re going to be a happy camper.

Roughly where in the world are you? Sounds like your climate is close to mine. I’m just above Bangor, Maine, where we are now legal. We started showing pistils in mid July on most plants.

How many plants do you have and how close did you space them? I set mine 4’ apart and have a marijuana hedge. Next year I’m going at least 6’ apart.


Thanks, I’m pretty excited they turned out so well. I’m in the midwest, hot humid summer but they seemed to thrive in it. I started 8 seeds, lost 2 seedlings and 3rd is less than 1/2 the size of the 5 in the picture. No idea why, it never was a strong plant. I kinda zigzagged the row so they’re staggered around 3’ apart. You’re right, they definitely needed more room.

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Nice looking plants @Jen :+1:
I’ve never grown anything that big so I’m not sure my number would be very accurate but you will definitely be very happy come harvest time😁 My guess would be about 8-12oz per plant but again just a guess you could wind up with more than that.


Those look like they’ll pull some weight!


How much does the dog weigh? The ladies look :eyes: big, will likely clear a kilogram.
with weather and fortune :crystal_ball: shining upon them to harvest…


Awesome! Love the friendly buggie (grasshopper?) Are you worried about them being too close together? Looks like they bushed out nice.


Sometimes you get a runt @Jen no worries the other five are super looking :+1:
You definitely won’t be disappointed and now you know to space them a little more next season
You should try a out door scrog set up you’ll love it
I have one this year and it going great have over 200 flower site on one plant and it just started to flower about a week ago woohoo
Happy growing :v: :cowboy_hat_face: CB


Thanks@big123, the dog weighs 45 lbs, the plants are about 5.5’ tall.

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Thanks @Whodat66, that’s a praying mantis, one of my favorites so I was thrilled to see him/her on my plants!


I’ll definitely space better next yr and I am interested in trying SCROG.

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I’ll tag you over to my thread so you can see it
Definitely a great choice but you’ll need to give it room lol

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Super, thanks @Countryboyjvd1971!

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One of my dogs is a Border Collie mix too :heart:

You’re ladies are huge, my estimate will likely be low…

He’s actually all Border collie, the smooth coat and split face throws people. If you look through the plants in the 3 pic, you’ll see what he does for a living :slight_smile:

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Very nice :+1:, we have have a collie/border collie, cattle dog mix and 2 cattle dog mixes…I tagged you in my thread…

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@Countryboyjvd1971 Can you also tag me over to your journal? Very curious :slight_smile:

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They look great!

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