I have 4 plants in a 2.5 x 3 ft closet very diy. I started with a smaller light 150w everything was going fine but i wasn’t sure if that was enough light so i night another light on Amazon it says 1000w at the same time i had a bunch of fungus gnats i tried all the diy remedies but peroxide and water worked but soon after the leaves started turning, but the bugs 99% gone. I use fox farms soil and fertilizers. 3 plants are blue dream 4th plant is a random seed I’ve had for awhile no idea what it is but it’s doing the best with broth and limbs. How do they look? I’m at 12 weeks tomorrow.
They don’t look horrible. I’ve seen a lot worse. Some overfeeding is what it looks like. Less is more. How much of the nutrients do you use from each bottle of the FF stuff? How is humidity & air flow?
If you sprayed them during lights on, that could cause light burn.
That is another possible explanation.
I poured it in something i read says or it in with Normal watering to kill them near the roots.
It says 10 to 15 ml so i stayed with that.
Humidity is very low no mold or issues at all the cost is vented and a fancirculating the air.
With low humidity & moderate/high heat the plants are unable to transpire properly causing plants to look unhealthy. If the heat is say… over 80F and humidity is only 40%, you can try dimming the light down if possible, and lowering it closer to the plant to make up for lost intensity.
EDIT: This will lover heat, and RH should naturally drift up a little.