LED burning my plant?

A question from a fellow grower:

Hello all, i am currently growing a few ladies using a KIND LED k300 series light…i have attached a picture of what i believe to be very mild light bleaching, but being that im no expert, i would greatly appreciate some feed back. FYI, Light is currently 20 inches above canopy…Also, a few leaves have an abnormal shape to them as well, could you please take a look? Thank you to all!!

@garrigan62 and @Oak

Ok you two go hahahaha

Sorry someone need help and you two are kinda of the superhero of weed so that’s the potsign or weedsign don’t know still working on a name for the help for weed sign lol

When using LEDs make sure you have them at the appropriate height or they will for sure bleach/burn your plants. The leaves are looking quite dry.

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light blending your led needs to be far enough away that a piece of paper held in front of light at canopy level is fully blended (no spots) but may or may not be bleaching bleaching tends to be more pronounced white leaves at same height high spots mostly.


I have a burn issue that I can’t figure out. No matter how far away I put my lights my buds and leaves are getting scorched badly. I have a 10x10 grow tent. I have tried a variation of LED lights from Aglex 2000w down to Phlizon 1000w LED. I currently keep the distance from the canopy about 50 inches. I have tried various angels with direction of the lights. I tried reflecting them off the walls for an indirect lighting. I have moved the plants to the side of the lights so there is no direct lighting. I am frustrated. All the pistils keep burning off my buds and the leaves get brutally scorched!!
Room temp stays about 80 and humidity about 55. Fans pulls 850 CFm through carbon filter. I have 3 clip on fans circulating air through the tent

What about nutritional burn

Your over nutritioning them…
Lights aren’t the problem…
Your burning them from the inside out… :wink: