Tried posting in my journal but no one looks so I thought I would try here. The discoloration is only in one plant and the leaves are folding up on all of them. Not sure what’s going on I had the light at 18” but now I’ve moved them 24”
Uploading: 1AC8DE49-41A7-4219-92A7-7D33ABCAEEC1.jpeg…I’m still too much of a newbie to give advice but I’ll tag some of the more experienced growers I have been following for you. One or more of them can help you. @raustin @blackthumbbetty @PurpNGold74 @Budbrother @Hogmaster @Budtastic. Would any of you be able to help out here? Thank you.
Thanks for helping. Now maybe I can get this figured out.
No problem at all. Like I said I’m still new and look to everyone for advice myself. There are lots of experienced and educated growers on this forum. So glad I found it.
Is she outside? The tacoing leaves maybe a lighting or environmental issue. But the dots all over it maybe buggies. Can you fill out a support ticket?
I think your light was too close. Do you see any improvement since you moved the light up?
I feel the same. When light are too close they curl upwards lie tacos. The light spots could be saying it need more nutes.
Looks like light stress & probably pH issues (which translates into weird, unexplainable leaf discoloration & nute issues).
They are indoors with 400w mh. I was a little worried about the run off test. But I thought maybe my meter was messing up but here are the results
So, with putting in a low pH’d solution, but getting out a very high pH run-off means that your pH is very high.
The same goes with your nutes.
If your pH is that far out off, you might start experiencing lock outs. That means no matter how many nutes you pump into your medium, the plant won’t be able to properly absorb them.
The tacoing shouldn’t be related to pH (at least I don’t think it is). Probably your light or temps.
A flush or transplant (if not an auto) will take care of your pH & ppm issues.
Are you using tap, well, bottled, or r/o water?
How far from the lights is she?
And what are your temperatures and humidity looking like?
Light was 16” but I moved it up to 22”. Temp is around 75 with the lights on not sure when they are off because I’m at work but there in the basement which usually stays around 70. As far as humidity I don’t have a clue.
I’m using tap water but the ppm stays between 20-40 and the ph is around 7. But it’s in a compost garden mix.
Only the one plant is discoloring but all of them show the tacoing. I was using a cheap led and changed to the 400w mh and thats when the tacoing started. But the yellowing started before and has slowly moved to new growth
The soil would explain your high tds run off. That’s pretty hot, according to your run-off #. The various components of any particular mix can also change your pH, especially if there aren’t enough stabilizers added, such as lime.
Is this a store bought mix or a homemade mix? Not all organic mixes are created equal.
First thing’s first, though: get yourself a thermometer/hygrometer to keep track of your temps & humidity. They are 2 extremely important variables to manage.
Will do on the thermo/hydrometer. The mix is just a store bought. No added nutrients just compost garden soil
Ok, there are amendments added though. It’s usually not just compost & dirt.
My first grows I thought I was doing alright choosing an organic soil made with compost and such. Caused so many issues b/c it was too hot for the plants. I finally started flushing it thoroughly, and had no more problems after that.
The yellowing affecting your new growth could be from the light, or it could be the start of nute lockout, which tends to hit iron & zinc, first
Not trying to scare you, I promise. These are all extremely easy things to fix, if you catch them early.
You raised your light. Check. Light issue probably remedied.
You’re going to buy a hygrometer. Check. Temp & humidity monitored, & can be adjusted, if needed.
You have some probably very hot soil that could be causing issues. You can flush that with a few of gallons of water. Check. PH & tds issue reset to within proper grow range.
Flush with 6.5ph till I get down to what ppm?