Hey guys new grower here looking for help my 1000wat MH hps light is 1.5ft away from my bubblegum plant here and recently the leaves have been curling. I’ve also tested the ph of my water to 6.5 And fertilize with fox farms liquid fert every other day. Any ideas what’s going on? Thanks
what are the temperatures in your room when you put your hand under the light is it too hot for your hand if it is then you need to move the light away a little more my 400 W HPS is 24 inches away from my tops
OK I can see your temperature 75 is good you should check the pH of the run off on your next watering so you know where the pH of the soil is at
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Answer these simple questions the best you can.
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Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain:
Age from Sprout:
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots:
How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so?
PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir:
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS:
Indoor or Outdoor:
Light system, size and height from plants:
Temps; Day, Night:
Humidity; Day, Night:
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:
Co2; Yes, No:
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Thanks for the reply! Yeah its 75 and not that hot on my skin. I actually just fed her and the run off was 5.6. From my research it’s looking like a calcium or magnesium deficiency. Any recommendations to raise these nutrients and the soil of pH
I got this from bob31
is it soil or Coco there’s different pH for different types
Its mainly Peat moss and perlite
if it is soil 5.6 runoff is to low you would need to adjust your pH higher going in to bring the soil pH up
@Majiktoker @Myfriendis410 has helped me with ph issues hopefully they doesn’t mind I taged them in this
if it is mostly Pete I believe it’s considered a soiles medium and you would need to go with the Coco PH not soil pH
Than 5.6 is perfectly normal for run off
Okay well I pH my fox farms nutrient solution to around 5.5-6 and I just tested the ph and apparently the pH rises over time? Bc now it is a little over 7 pH
So I guess keep feeding it as is since it’s high ?
I always mix my nutrients 24 hours before I feed to give the pH time to stabilize then I adjust the pH
depending on the size of your pots if you watering every other day you might be over watering if it’s considered Coco 7 ph is high I would start over and mix nutrients the day before then adjust the pH as long as your soil is not completely dry plants can wait another day for water adjusted to the right pH I hope this helps make sure your pH pen is calibrated properly
I had a few plants start looking like that on my last grow and it ended up being a magnesium deficiency I added some cal-mag and it cleared it up.
Depending on which fox farm nutrients you are using you might want to add some cal mag to your next feeding. I’ve never used fox farm though and there might already be some of those nutrients in it.
I was going to say feeding them every other day seems like a lot but your plant looks very healthy so obviously it’s working well.
She’s in a 10gal pot just water her when she feels dry. I’ll check into some calcium. Thanks guys!
I know that you said temps were at 75… but it still looks like heat stress to me…
Light distance looks about fine to me but you need to make sure that temps aren’t getting crazy…
You need a thermometer that records every hour on the hour to make sure of your temps…
I would do that before adding anything to your baby…