Leaves Curling / Beginner

Need some HELP !!! My girl’s are 3 months old and during my daily morning check I noticed a few leaves, close to the bottom , are curled under, like a taco :anguished: , I’ve done some reading and trying diagnose her for myself but would like some expert opinion on this “PLEASE” ? Only a few leaves are curling and it’s on the same branch and on the bottom, will post picture if needed !!

Thank you in advance for your knowledge and willing to help !! :woman_farmer:

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Could always use pics. At the bottom? Might be time for a trim. Get some more air and light in there


I agree with bruinsfan33, pictures would help @MBgrower

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Is it the individual fingers of the leaves or the leaf in whole is “Taco-ing”

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Thank You @bruinsfan33 , going to go outside and take a few pictures!!! She just started her flowering stage yesterday so I’d like to get a hold in this asap!!
MB :grimacing:

Here is a few pictures of my Big Girl , my poor baby girl isn’t feeling to good this morning. If you can’t see by the picture it’s the WHOLE leave that is “Taco-ing” and only on the bottom , about 3 to 5 leaves !! :cold_sweat:

Thank You @Manny_FTGUTube @Majiktoker
Your help and support is go greatly appreciated !!!


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They honestly don’t look bad other than the clawing down but the Taco-ing is probably just heat stress, is it warmer than usual or is it getting more sun than it’s used to?

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My opinion could be slightly underwatered


I’ve got to say sometimes I underwater and it’s s hot hot day for the girls and then I am horrified to see the entire plant dropping exactly like that, totally perks up after a few hours after watering luckily, my money’s on under watering


I think @Majiktoker and @McLovin777 nailed it… the dirt in the pot looks really dry

I’ll take a pic if it happens again, you can’t imagine how utterly dead a few of my plants have looked due to no water for a few hours of light, scary stuff. And the little needle burnt ends also rings a bell of bad memories @MBgrower

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Thank You for your reply, Yes it’s been extremely HOT here in MA , it’s been 90 or above , I’m going to give all my girls a good watering and try to keep track of the heat. They are outside so maybe I can drag them into the shade during the highest heat of the day!! Thank you again, it makes perfect sense.


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Makes total sense , I’m in MA and we just had a heat wave, the weather finally broke today but it’s been in the 90’s for over a week. Some water and some pruning should help her with the heat. Also @McLovin777 I’m going to put the girls in the shade when it get really hot again, maybe for a few hours , around noon till 4 then put them back in the sun and I need to watch the soil so it won’t get to dried out. Thank You again, I’ll post new pictures tomorrow , hopefully that’s all it is…


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Your probably right, I’m in MA , we are just getting over a HEAT wave for over a week now!!! I need to keep checking the pots , it’s been 90 or above with very oppressive humidity , so some extra watering and some pruning , also when it’s in the 90’s I’m going to pull my girls in the shade for a few hours. Thank You so much !!! I appreciate you taking time out to help !!!

Very Thankful

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My pleasure ill be watching this thread to make sure they straighten up

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I can’t Thank you enough, this is my first grow ,started with5 plants ended up with 9 , long story , but the girl I posted about just started flowering on Saturday.

Thank You Again
MB :grin:

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Very Happy to report that my Lovely Lady is feel so much better today :rofl:
I gave her a good watering yesterday evening and when ii went outside to say good morning -all leaves where back to normal-
Plus she has an extra bonus , today the weather is only going to be in the 70’s and it’s"RAINING" !!!
Thank you all so much for all your help, I’ll post a picture later on!!
VERY Happy MB :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hopefully doing better today! I’m in NH. My girls are loving the rain.

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YES she is !!! MA here and all my girls are loving the rain today also @bruinsfan33 :cloud_with_rain:
MB :umbrella:

Very glad to hear it, honestly it’s only when @Majiktoker mentioned underwatering it sparked a memory, these guys really do know their stuff.