So I finally have seedling. At first growing straight and strong. All of a sudden they are all falling. I’ve never seen anyone using something to tie them up. All the pics I’ve seen show straight growing seedlings. Should I tie them up. When should I transplant them and is a five gallon bucket big enough or too big. Any help is greatly appreciated being a newbie as myself.
I would pack dirt around them to make stronger .
Consider transplanting in your final containers - leaving a 1 inch from top of soil to 1st set of leaves. If yo9u have a “root” stimulator now is the time to use it
Thanks for the input.
Thanks for the help.
If they are all drooping wouldn’t that be a sign of root stress like too dry or too wet ?
How would I know which? I water a small amount, maybe 1/2 oz every other day or sometimes 3 days. I wait for the dirt to be dry before I water.
Are the stalks long and thin?
They are stretching for more light.
Or is the stalk narrowing, getting dark, dying? as in damping off?
Till nearly dry sounds perfect. Kabongster may be on to something.
I have seen them get top heavy if they stretch too much.
Here are some pics to show what is happening
These have been growing 4 weeks.
Yoshi and kabongster hit the nail right on the head they look healthy just a bit top heavy. Just bury the stalk and they should also benefit by growing lateral roots from the newly buried stalk. The bigger the root system the bigger everything else can get. Roots are what you should be nurturing now.. Plants this big had roots this big.
. Four days ago they looked like this
That’s root bound , hopefully you transplanted ?
The stem is too long, too thin…what does the baby get light from? That light source will need an upgrade or you will continue to have slow, thin growth, even if you tried covering the stalk with fresh sterile soil. Try and support it, a pencil and loose ties, put fresh soil at base, don’t try to cover the whole stem all at once, water lightly with a root developer or Superthrive.
If you cover the whole stem, it may bend and kink, it may develop an infection…
The plant needs a brighter light source or move the light closer.
Kabongster nailed it. They are super thin and long from stretching towards a light source.
As t this stage I have my seedlings under multiple CFLs about 2-3" above the leaves. After a week of seedling stage I move them into my grow tent with a 600w metal halide about 24-30" above and move the light closer every day to help the plant adjust to a strong light source. I end up running the metal halide about 10" above the plants from there on out, but your final distance will depend on heat.
Props to yoshi also, four weeks is pretty old to be in this cup. Although stretching means not enough light so though it may be root bound the roots may be thin and weak take extra care not to hurt the roots when you transplant.
There are low light plants, herbs, small houseplants, that flower and thrive with 10-15 watts of light.
Cannabis is not one of them. It could use 25 watts as a baby, up to 50 watts per square foot when flowering. Real watts, not comparable.
My local gro store told me that the only way I could get a 600 watt halide is to buy a special bulb. Can’t remember if that was a conversion bulb or bulb with halide and sodium in same bulb. It’s been a couple years. Do you have a straight up six hundred watt halide bulb ? If so we’re can I get one and what did you pay for your bulb.