I have four teen clones and only one is in good health.
I am in living soil and using Earthdust.
First the leaf will look like it has small white specks almost like spider mite bites but I spray for those every couple of days since they came infested. I have see no creepy crawlers in a couple of weeks. Next is a yellowing with brown spots followed by serve yellowing and black spots.
I’m sorry Ms Jane but it really looks like the mites are still there, the top picture looks like it could be a root issue possibly from overwatering, or stress from the bugs I guess is possible to
Thanks @MEasy. Bummer. I’ll keep spraying for mites. I am still trying to dial in the watering with the living soil/Earthdust. I am trying to keep the soil moist but not wet.
The Tangie OG must be pest resistant since she shows no mite signs and green and healthy. I am going to move her to the flower tent in quarantine and keep treating the others. Then flip ASAP.
I have some new green unaffected growth on the Trainwreck for cloning.
It is time to put the blueberry chem and MAC into the icebox outside. Sad because hubs has never had those two strains.
Thank you for your help. The leaf progression of this infestation was so different than my last fight with mites I thought it was something else.
Yeah thats 100% spider mites my leaves looked just like this i thought it was powdery mildew at first til it didnt wipe off the cut the leaf looked under it and saw lil peach whitish bugs and more inspection i saw webs
Thx @Treasurestoy ! I seriously thought I had eradicated them. I went back and looked them over and found the blueberry chem had one branch reinfected😡
I have a four hour fogger to set off in the basement tomorrow. Just want to make sure all the laundry is done and pets accounted for so I can close down access.
After it clears, I am going to give the tent a thorough scrub down, and clear each plant of leaves showing mite signs or dying.
Since I have seeds now, I won’t have to buy someone else’s clones ever again.
Sorry to see you struggle Bunny especially with everything else that’s been happening around you in life right now. Good luck on the fight as for the watering I’m still changing the method I use all the time trying to get it right I’ve been adding extra perlite to my mix it seems to be helping me not overwater
I am still not over the ‘vid. I now have omicron symptoms of headache, sore throat and cough after going through the typical symptoms of fever/chills and body aches and fatigue. 10 days of this so far.
Thx for your kind words. It will get better and I’ll get through all this.
Take care of yourself!! I just lost a good friend n club brother Tuesday to that crap … but all the grandkids n kids finally tested negative and have recovered completely. These are definitely some trying times
Sorry about the Covid and the mites. If you have one of the little half gallon pump sprayers it makes the IPM a little easier and faster so you can get the undersides well too. Once those buggers set in, it takes a few grows to get em out completely before they come back to visit. I spray my plants a few times a grow JIC, like when I pull em to prune, defol whatever: cheap insurance. Same with BT-M.Bits, 4-5 times a grow I sprinkle the top of the soil, such a nuisance.
The early damage looks like it could been something simple like nute splash, but early calcium or mag/phos kinds looks like that too…so some base deducing about your feed/setup is where I’d start my thoughts
The one we lost most recently was a son of our friends. Out of respect to the family and the young man that was a playmate of my daughters, I won’t say more.
@Pet_de_Chien ,what attracts mites to a grow? Are they in certain areas of the country more so than others . I’ve never had a Problem with them. Just curious thanks !
I’ve been reusing my CJDB ready to use sprayer. I have shopping cart open and will add the 0.5 gallon pump sprayer. I use a 1 gallon for watering and love the wand for direction, plus with a pump sprayer you can get under the leaves easier.
I think its Plants and nice people: they are the bane of evil. Honestly I dont know for sure, some seasons I never see them, other years I battle them on my houseplants, overwinter peppers, outside garden plants. I’m right up next to Lake Michigan so our weather is barely hospitable for humans. And Consider yourself Lucky!, they are not impossible to geet rid of, its jsut they are so tiny and by the time you see them there’s a million and ten million eggs hence the nickname “The Borg”
Well your already set then, if the 1gal isnt to big to swing around beneath them. The CJBD isn’t oil based so it rinses clean, no need to spend more money. I’d keep using the RTU bottle, and you’ll have Popeye forearms! nyuck nyuck nyuck.
I looked at ordering from Wally World and a 0.5 is twice the price of a one gallon so I will just continue reusing the spray bottle I have - especially since I watched a few episodes of cheapskates last night LOL!