Leaf miners hopefully caught early

Well darn, got my tent today and everything set up, but noticed one of my girls had some leaf damage and actuality found two of the larvae on the leaf. Used a wet q-tip to get them off and found about 2 more in my search through leafs. Pressing my finger tips to any area that looked like a bug was inside. Does this look like i caught pretty early? Grabbing some Neem oil tomorrow, just hoping there isn’t too much damage.

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and forgot I caught a picture of the a**holes

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Them damn things😵,good luck

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Good catch, I get them bad on my outdoor plants but looks like your on top of it. Neem oil would be smart as a precautionary measure regardless.

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Looking through my pictures I had i literally should of spotted it days ago, just was amazed by their beauty xD

Can see him about to go to town on the Center of the leaf on the left. But I did a come through again this morning, looks like I may of gotten all of them? Keeping a very close eye on her for the next couple days!

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Make sure you spray again after 3-4 days to kill any newly hatched larvae.

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Sadly ran into heavy cash problems, don’t even have enough for smokes lol. But luckily it looks like I did catch them early enough to avoid any eggs and looks like the problem is eradicated. Threw them into night time early tonight so will post pics in the morning of her!

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Here she is!

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