I hate PH.
But if not for ph what would we talk about?
How long do you think I have until harvest?
What’s wrong with my miracle grown plants?
Do these white hairs mean it’s a male plant?
My trichomes look cloudy on the outer leaves should I cut it down?
When should I water my plants?
How do I tell ppm without a meter?
Does this leaf look normal? (No picture given)
Haha you hit that all on the head!
Fumbling with PH, PH up ,Damit PH down damit,PH up Damit PH down damit,PH up. Wait 5 minutes, Damit PH up… OK got it now wow what a ******,
Time to water, cool there is some runoff, stick PH pen in 7.8 Damit. Flush 15 gallons of water in my 3 gallon pot. Still getting 7.7, to hell with it watering with 5.8…Yes I hate PH
Just say screw it all and go hydro
Like there are no PH issues there!
Nah never
@AAA clearly you haven’t seen my recent post
With anything there will be pitfalls, what I was trying to say tho is “ you may like being able to control the ph in water more than soil.
I spent an entire day doing calculus trying to figure out why the solution I was adding did not result in what I had expected.
@Grandaddy013 explained to me that “you can’t account for everything a female gets moody about, not even her ph”
Or something a long those lines
@AAA while I have your attention tho. Does this look like day one of flower?Or is it a male plant?
All female to me. Im sure you are at least 2 weeks in with a flower of that size!!!
Whew ok bout to get on here and let you know I was trying to clear the air not be a d bag
But sometimes I have a way of doing both at the same time
You didn’t come off as a D bag. All good.