I’m a new grower and I will be starting my first grow in the next week or so . I just thought I’d get on here and say hello and introduce myself
Welcome aboard. You’re in the right place. Good luck with the grow and feel free to ask any questions you have. Plenty of really smart growers of every style here.
Welcome! We like grow journals lol.
Thank you for the welcome. I’m sure I’ll be asking a lot of questions real soon. I can’t wait for my first grow Journal
Heck yeah glad you joined the forum alot of great people here to help you
Welcome. Remember pictures are worth 1000 words.
Welcome, you should start a grow journal with lots of pics.
Look, we like bud porn, ok?
Welcome to a great place to grow!
Welcome to the team
Welcome! I’m a new grower myself and this forum has been an immeasurable cornucopia of information and intelligent, friendly growers who are quick to help with any and every aspect of the grow. It’s a gem of a place, for sure.
Welcome to the community
Welcome. A lot of very experienced help here if needed. Hope everything goes well.
Welcome @Slim420 when you get time give us a rundown of equipment and strains and your plan please we all live for this
Sirsmokes I’ll do that tomorrow
Blackthumbbetty , I have noticed that seems to be a very popular thread. There’s a lot of Bud porn perverts here, lol. I hope that don’t offend anybody
Welcome @Slim420. Best advice I can offer at this stage is: ask questions BEFORE trying/buying something. A lot of us could have saved some money and stress by following this advice, including myself.
Welcome and all the best. These folks here will help you with any issues and if there are no issues, they will just fawn over your delicious buds and harvest. If you put the ampersand (@) symbol in front of a users name they get a notification like this @Slim420 or @blackthumbbetty Once you type the @ symbol, the first letter of a name will bring up a list of usersnames beginning with that letter and you can choose the one you intended for it to autofill
Then we see somebody tagged us & come check it out.
welcome @Slim420 a great way to start your grow is to discuss your plan, design, and materials. You may have overlooked something in your set up that we can help you see. We can help you start on good footing. Up to you. Welcome and good luck growing!