I flipped on 7/21. I’ve heard around 80/20 cloudy/amber for trichomes is a good time to harvest but I am not sure where I’m at. These pictures are from yesterday. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.
Id give them about 1-2 more weeks your buds can plump up a little more but you are in the harvest window
The last grows of purple haze, purple kush and granddaddy purple (correct - it is the Purple Mix Pack) all took 80 - 84 days from flip.
The plants still have a lot of new white pistils and the amber is on the sugar leaves. Amber sugar leaves do not count.
Ok thanks. The color and the dryness is making me think I’m late.
Ok thanks! That’s still a while for sure.
It is the home stretch and tests one’s patience. 60 days into 12/12 is not that long when you take the transition period into account. If it took 10 take days for flowering to start (buttons) that takes it down to 50 days actually flowering. Most strains take 8 - 10 weeks to flower.
These is very general parameter and when to harvest is personal choice based on desired affects. These give some good into
Thanks for these videos! I hope I don’t wait to long. Is over ripe a thing in cannabis?
THC eventually degrades to CBN.