Jewels' photo grow

A few new photo seeds were germinated yesterday.
ILGM Bergman’s Gold Leaf
Acid Rain and Cherries Jubilee

Tents - for veg 32x33x63, flower 38x38x70
They all will start under a T5 High output 24w 6400k 2000 lumen full spectrum seed starting light. They will be introduced to the blurple Viparspectra actually 134 watts in about a week and will remain there until the current autoflower flower girls are done. Then they will move to the larger tent with the 4 HLG QB 120’s in 3000k
I have several different clip fans and a tower fan for air flow along with a 4" 190cfm inline fan
I have a humidifier currently keeping my RH in range. I also have a couple dehumidifiers if needed in flower.
Soil is undecided at the moment. If I go with Happy Frog, I will use fox farm nutes according to their schedule. I will also add cal mag. My goal is to move to living soil. I’m not sure if I will have it together in time for these girls, we’ll see.
Water I will use 1/2 RO and 1/2 well water.
I’ll use my cloth pots and I’m undecided on the size. The 7 gallon pots are a killer on the back but that’s probably where the end up.
Meet the girls

Acid Rain

Cherries Jubilee

Bergman’s Gold Leaf

Thanks for stopping by :v::green_heart::seedling:


Woohoo :tada: Good luck Jewels :grin:


Thanks @Missiles I hope you and the family are all doing well during this pandemic.


Following along. :+1:


Thank you we are doing the best we can. It’s definitely day to day. I hope you and your family stay safe in this time also!


So many journals, so little time left now that we’re all gonna die! It was a good life! I’ll follow along as long as I’m healthy Jewels, till the end! Good luck & stay healthy!!!:mask:


I wanna watch this. I want to do the acid rain too. just out of room :pleading_face:
But I will be happy to watch yours grow :grin:


So the wife wants me to start the garden back up especially since spring is here. She says that it will be a great for my son as well while he’s out for school and I’d make a great 420 H club teacher. LMAO Now school is not starting back until last week of April which I don’t believe is gonna happen until end of summer break.


Good deal on the new round!

If your going into Happy Frog or whatever Soil bringing it alive takes nothing really as there are already stuff alive in the soil. It’s just a matter of keeping those healthy and adding more life to the soil web with teas and not harming what’s in the soil using chemical ferts etc. if you get some organic 4-4-4 type nutrient and mix that into the bottom 1/2 of the big pot soil mix you’ve just created and along with worm poo maybe some perlite if needed egg shells maybe a thin layer of dolomite lime etc a simple (semi super soil) that will feed for some time along with the nutrients in the top half of bag soil etc. meanwhile you’ll be top dressing more amendments during the grow allowing the watering of teas etc to eat the nutrients poop that out and that gets to the plants. Use some mulch and plant some clover. Add some worms and so on.
There’s going to be life in all soils maybe even coco…gotta be…but it just depends on how healthy that population is in the soil. On a scale of 1-10 how health do you feel? Same for the living soil web how does it feel? You can go to Lowe’s or wherever pick up NPK organic ingredients blood meal, bone meal etc etc crushed oyster shells at tractor supply cheap…epsom salt…and so on just get ones that cover the NPK needs. Blood meal 12-0-0 bone meal 3-16-0 etc
Inoculate the soil with some Mychorrizae spores that are cannabis friendly and use some when you transplant and your on your way.

Just some thoughts stoned to the bone…lol

You grow outside and all the critters are alive in the soil naturally. All you do is add nutrients and compost for them to eat and poop out for the Mychorrizae to assist the plant to eat and inside it’s just on a smaller scale and in smaller containers (fish tanks) it takes a little more attention to keep in balance. Used the fish tank analogy as with a 5 gallon tank vs a 100 gallon tank there is more water (soil) that helps to balance things.

Anyway just some thoughts…


I’m set to watching. I’m gonna tag along if you don’t mind :+1: :v:


I’m excited to see the cherries jubilee mature.

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@LoCoRock get that garden going like your wife suggested. I’m so thankful my dad taught me to garden. Everyone should at least know some gardening basics.

That’s hilarious :joy: but with the kid, ya might wanna stick with fruits and veggies :wink: maybe some companion herbs and flowers to keep the bugs away.

@repins12 I’m happy to have you along, thanks

@Skydiver thanks for all the information. You can give me your stoner thoughts on soil any time, I love the info. I do already have some items on hand from gardening so that helps. I think I can get it together for the girls in time. I really appreciate the info, I’ll probably bother you for more information as I go. I’ve already learned a ton from you in my search to learn more on living soil. You’ve put a lot of great info out on this forum I’ve found for me to learn from. Budbrother is also a great wealth of soil knowledge as is with mr crabs.
I found several good videos on the subject. I really like this video. I will be watching part 2 today


Happy to be following, I have creeped through your past journals enough times to do it proper! Good luck on this grow around.

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Happy to have ya follow, wether creeping in the background :joy: or giving me some thoughts and advice. It’s all good :v::green_heart:

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This is the part that we really need to re-evaluate and educate the young ones when they are young about Mother Nature and her wonders including cannabis as a medicine and so on. If we continue to see cannabis as taboo like the government wants us to believe it is and don’t teach our youth about the truth of it and all the other non FDA approved medicines mother has to offer they too will grow up thinking it’s a bad thing…I say teach them about things that mother offers whether it be cannabis or dandelion etc…
Gotta break the bullshit cycle of deception at some point…

Why did I try cannabis when I was a teen? Because I wasn’t supposed to…tell me no and I’ll do it…lol

Glad to help share what I’ve found while learning…both to help others AND as a resource for me to use again.

Thanks for the video …will watch it this AM. Raining here a lot so not doing much else
Edit to add…started watching and realized I’ve seen it…but ya know I’ll watch again and learn some more!


I totally agree. When my kids were young I tried to hide it for fear of being narked out that was back when dare was all getting started. It really didn’t work my oldest was constantly busting of smoking so that’s when I figured it was better to tell him the truth about it and the fact that it’s not bad. Then I quit hiding it from them hiding it only made it look bad most parents I talk to however continue to hide it. Not that they’re successfully doing it. Once we get further legalization here in Ohio it will be a lot easier to talk to kids about. Right now I’m just paranoid because I grow illegally


I just popped my head out the door. It’s a nice beautiful spring rain. We’re getting a lot of spring flowers coming up around here. I don’t see me getting much done outside today unless the rain stops. I’m enjoying the 6o° weather though. I’m anxious to get up to the Cuyahoga National Forest and over to Mohican Forest for spring wildflower hikes.


Set the watch! My wife and I are planning on Getting The backpacks an boots out going hiking this weekend National Forest. Local gyms in my area has closed temporarily. Breathe some fresh air take a few pictures of spring flowers. You never know I might find that little perfect spot to come back later and drop a seed.


@Skydiver boy do I wish that was the case BUT I am still in an illegal state. My wife and I have had this discussion many times during the nightly smoke sesh. Only 2 things will come of it if… NO…when… I tell him or he finds out the truth. 1) he will get upset tell a friend and weeds gone = wether I stop or stolen. 2) he’s understands, starts smoking weed and weeds gone (wether I stop so he stops or stolen. LOL


There are some great documentaries out there that one can have them watch that doesn’t necessarily tip your hand about using and or growing… well kids back in the day when I experimented with things I was told about how evil things were that I later learned were wrong and I just wanted to help educate you with the truths that were hidden from me when I was your age…maybe that type of approach would work…let others explain things through documentaries available… first one would be refer madness showing the falsehoods and then follow up with one you think appropriate as there are many good ones out there

People who use cannabis are not bad people…some are but most aren’t and it gets tiring being vilified and looked on like it’s a bad thing…yep I’m in illegal state too…but I still don’t understand how the laws can be made against anything Mother Nature provides us