Jewel's is growing autoflowers again. This time its Jack Herer~Bubble Gum~ Northern Lights~Amnesia Haze look

I’ve bleached scrubbed buckets, air stones and tubing every 2 days for a week. It’s getting tiresome and today, they grey slime is back with a vengeance

Just when I think it’s all cleared up, bam its back.
Her younger soil sisters are bigger than her now. I’m at a loss. I’ve researched the internet and can’t find anything on the grey slime, just algae and brown slime is all I can find on the web. Can a hydro plant be thrown in the dirt with some good microbes to take care of the problem ?and let her finish out in soil? Is that possible?
Here’s the girls today
OG kush looks rough

Blue Dream’Matic and Black Sugar Rose look good. I think they liked the first nute feeding they had on Tuesday.
I’m not sure where to go with the slime girl, my efforts have just suppressed the slime growth, it’s far from gone.
I have 3 buckets, 2 sets of stones and tubing. As she sits in one bucket the other stones buckets and tubings sit in bleach water for an hour or 2, then I scrub them, run bleach water through tubing, rinse the hell outta everything and let the air tubing hang on my basement close line to dry, blow out the air stones with the air compressor…lost a stone that way once. It didn’t like that high of air pressure and blew to pieces :joy: it was pretty comical. But anyway, I have put 40 ml of H2O2 in water and let her stay in it for 24 hours. Then I rinse the roots real well and put her in a clean bucket with nutrients and hydrogaurd She has gotten 3 H2O2 treatments so far. I should give another today, but it’s not really working. Any ideas are appreciated but I’m kinda at the giving up point.