Was looking for Jacks 321 on Amazon and in the description it says it’s for hydroponics systems. Is this the same jacks for growing in soil? I don’t want to spend the $50 to find out it’s the wrong stuff.
I been using the same jacks in coco that i was using before in soil. I found some repackaged on ebay for a good price too.
It’s for hydro, don’t worry!
It’s for hydro but I grow in soil. Didn’t know if there was other jacks 321 that is for soil. Hence the question. I don’t worry about anything, I just smoke another one.
Sorry, didn’t read good enough! Jacks is ok for soil as well, I use it in Promix, others use it in coco, others soil. It’s very versatile!
Thanks, didn’t want to waste cash if it wasn’t right.
Jack’s is good for pretty much any type of grow.
It’s standard water soluble fertilizer mix. Made from same compounds farmers spread in their fields.
Can I use RO water with it?
Can I use RO water with it or should I use my well water?
You can use ro water but should work with either unless your tap water is usually high which would be an issue with just about any fertilizer system.
Yes it is high. Well water. So that’s why I had the RO system out in. Without it my mom was off the charts when I added fertilizer.
Lol I should look at post after posting. My PPM not my Mom. Autocorrect if funny sometimes. Although sometimes my Mom was off the charts.