Is this powdery mildew on my buds? Is it able to be removed? Can the buds be saved? They don’t all look like this but a few do. I’ve read a little about removing it but what’s the preferred/easiest method? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pictures are hard to tell from, They are somewhat blurry on our side.
I do see some weblike strands. Spider mites maybe.
Does the white stuff wipe off? Just cut off a leaf and see if it will wash off. Check the bottom for mites. Will need a 30x magnifier at least.
It does look like mold of some sort though.
Are these any better? Undersides of the leaves look ok. No bugs or anything. It wipes off a little when I rub the leaf but not all of it.
Somewhat. This is what I see when I zoom in on the pic…
However I think it is powdery mildew or some type of mold.
Is your humidity high?
Do you have fans moving air?
Probably best to remove the buds with the problem and try to save the rest. You can treat it when light and early, but that’s pretty advanced.
here is a close up of what I think it is.
White fuzzy mold
Plants are outdoors in northeast MD. Not sure what the humidity has been the last week. I only get to see my plant on the weekends. It’s in a bit of a sheltered area but gets whatever breeze blows by. I’ll pull the bad buds and treat the ones that still look ok. Any recommendations on what to use? I’ve seen milk/water mixtures mentioned. I don’t think I’ll be back for two weeks either so I’m worried about the ok buds. Getting cold here at night.
It sure looks like it to me. Sorry to say that but I have tossed a bit this year from that chit. It’s nasty stuff.
It looks like some type of powder mildew.
It was recommended to me on this site to use s 50:50 solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (std concebtration in a bottle) with water, so 1 to 1. Spray my plant.
It seemed to work but mold can come back, and there is some darkening of pistel, some minor trichome change after repeat spot spraying, and some leaf yellowing in repeat area.
It definately helps!
I think with 1 visit per week it could be hard to catch as it can creep into your buds, and its hard to remove.
I hope you make ot to harvest!!
Do a wash step with the final product. Although this is not a bad remedy, some powder mildew sticks around.
Good luck
100% PM imho. I use Lost Coast Plant Therapy but those look to be late in flower…dont like to put anything on flowers I’m that close to smoking.
Been a real tuff year for PM and bud rot.
That is a bummer , Doesn’t look good I would toss Any areas with the mold or WPM
I cut off a few buds that were bad. Probably wipe down the leaves too. What’s left looks ok. Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to get back to this plant for two weeks. I’m starting to wonder if I should just harvest what’s left now.
Might be a bad idea, but look it over really close. I would wet trim as you will find more as you trim the leaves away.
Cut all the buds from the plant. Tossed two more that had WPM. Gave all the others a good (hopefully) bud wash and have them hanging now. I know they were early but I can’t tend to them for two more weeks and didn’t want that stuff spreading. Hopefully I got everything. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks everyone for the input.