sour diesel auto. grew pistels first week of Feb. pistels mostly darkened but trichomes still seem too clear. Please Advise…
Very nice looking bud, would need tricome pic to tell for sure
She looks harvest ready, All pistil hairs are brown. Check trichomes to confirm, Nice looking bud
This answers your own question. Wait till you see them milky and some amber. More amber means more sedation. And on the flowers not the leaves.
One of the few posts with this question where it actually looks ready. Most are weeks away when they ask.
Good Job
agreed with posts above, but sweet looking bud
If the trics look like glass they are clear, if they look like plastic, they are cloudy. If they look amber they are amber!
I agree with @Spiney_norman I was expecting to see a plant 2-3 weeks out . Back in the day when I didn’t use a magnifier or a loupe I would’ve harvested that in a heartbeat looks pretty darn close. Now I have a loupe and a microscope I can be more accurate with the high Im looking for.
Thank you all for your feedback. I will give it a bit longer and see if i can get some decent pics of the trichomes.
That bud looks delish! Not much longer at all. Happy Harvest