Is this a disease or is it from the bug spray I applied?

Hey, y’all! These yellow spots are on 3 different plants in various areas. I don’t see spots on the back of the leaves, just the front. Is it a disease or just from spraying my bug spray? This just started and I’ve had plants in here for 3 months!!!

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That is possibly chemical burn.
Did you spray them while the lights were on?
What did you use on them?

YES!! I did it with the lights on and I used Monterey garden insect spray diluted in water. It surprised me though bc I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and this is the first time I’ve seen this happen. That’s why I wasn’t sure if maybe it was fungal. The 3 plants it affected are still young plants though in comparison to the others.

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If you have to spray always do it just before the lights go out. Droplets on the leaves under the lights can burn them. Your plant should be fine and new growth will look normal.
Was there a bug problem or just preventative?

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Not sure it would be a combination of the lights and the moisture. Might be chemical burn.

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I saw a few gnat like bugs around my big plant so I went ahead and erred on the side of caution and sprayed them all. Why half-ass it and have to go back and redo it later? Thanks for the info. I didn’t think about the spray and the lights even though I’ve read numerous times about watering and light burn. I considered burn bc it was just on the front side. Thanks again.

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Most of us fight those stupid fungus gnats.
I grow in coco but still get a few.
Everyone of us has stories of mistakes we made, (or still make) so don’t sweat it.