Is she ready for transplant? She’s working on her 4th node. I accidentally light burned the lower leaves but she’s looking way better after adjustment. I’ll be putting her a 7 gallon fabric bag.
IMO it is a little early. I usually wait until the leaves hang over the pot.
Thanks! I just didn’t want to accidentally root bind her.
Everyone does this differently but I put mine in a 5 gallon pot as soon as they break ground and are like 3” tall. Never had any issues. Some put the sprouts in the large grow pots so I think it’s up to you. Good luck and keep us posted with pictures. Your plant looks very healthy already.
Just like @John7 said everyone does this a little different. I actually wait until mine are almost locked up in their pot, i just find instead of it coming as a shock to the plant its more of a welcome change lol. They usually explode for me the next day like that.
Yours will be fine either way for sure, I have one flowering in a 500ml pot and its fine lol.
Just be quick and gentle, make sure to do it on feed day and have your powder ready.
Best a luck
Awesome, thanks!
I second the waiting until leaves hang over the edge of cup. This gives you a little bigger root ball that sticks together better for a lot less disturbance when transplanting.
Wanted to just throw up and update on this lady. She’s in her final home and doing well. The 2 droopy pics are today after a feed and water day about 30 minutes until lights out, so she’s tired. Can’t wait to see her perk up in the morning again!
Good job dude done and dusted and +1exp