Is it too earlyto flower?

I’m curious, is it too early to go to flower. The seeds are random bag seeds, but definitely photo. They’re just over 6 weeks from seedlings and growing strong. Due to space and time constraints is it too early to switch to flower??? Any advice is helpful, I’m concerned I’ll have no room for the canopy as they bulk up in flower. Please see the attached. One plant will be given to a friend to allow for room for the other two.

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They are going to stretch when you flip them. Some strains can double in size while going through flower. I usually flip to flower once the canopy takes up 50% of my grow space.

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I’d thin out some of those leaves and then start some low stress training on her

Are they showing sex yet? They won’t flower if they aren’t ready. You can flip to 1212 regardless but they won’t flower til they are sexually mature. I flower most of mine pre 6 weeks. 24 hours in the dark can help speed them along

I’ve pruned back. Once the third kid is out of the pool it’ll help.

Start by removing the bottom 3rd of leaves…any that are touch the soil, any that are covering bud sites and leaves that are facing to the center. This will allow for better light and better air flow

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No sex as of yet. Maybe I should try going dark for a day and maybe find some organs?

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Worth a shot if you’re concerned about space and in a rush to get them to flower. You know where to look for calyx formations? They are pretty tiny and nondescript at first.

I’ve been looking on the root stem by branches that have a nodule.

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Many thanks on the advice

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You will find the first ones at the nodes near the canopy. See those little growths between the new shoot and the little pointy leaf.

Based on that I think I’m having some girls!!!


Male flowers will also start in the same spot. But they will look much different and stack up on each other

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Usually takes around 4 weeks or so from popping to be mature enough to flower. You look to be about double that, so should be plenty old enough to flower.

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