Yellow leaf spot, also known as leaf septoria, are caused by Septoria cannabis and S. neocannabina. These are fungal pathogens aimed specifically at marijuana plants.
It is brought about by warm weather and rain and effect marijuana grown outdoors. It may also show up in nitrogen- deficient plants. Read this article and learn how to identify and treat yellow leaf spot.
Signs of leaf septoria
Signs of leaf septoria weed
Yellow leaf spot initially shows up on the lower leaves of your plant. These spots may vary in shade from white to a grayish brown to yellow, initially displaying little circular lesions. Once it starts to grow it starts looking like a bump and its size continues to increase.
Yellow leaf spot will harm the leaves and often times the stems of the plant, although it won’t cause the crop to die off. If for any reason this is not properly cared for it will lessen the marijuana plants yield. The affected leaves will become dry where the spot is and overtime break and produce a hole at the point where the spot started off.
Not sure if your marijuana plants suffer from a yellow leaf spot infection? Check the article Marijuana diseases for a list with pictures of all possible marijuana diseases
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How to avoid and cure leaf septoria
Cure yellow leaf spot cannabis
The most affected leaves will become totally yellow, dry out and fall off. You will want to get rid of the leaves that fell off or else you will end up with a landing turf for spores to overwinter. Basically, they will hide out until the weather warms up and then that’s when they will wreak havoc. Yellow leaf spot spores do their dirty work through traveling by water, wind and clinging on to things that pass by.
You can avoid the damage yellow leaf spot causes your plants through crop rotation. Basically, after every harvest you will pick a new location to plant. If you are not able to do this, then after harvest, completely get rid of all leftovers from the last vegetation and till the soil really good to make sure all remains are gone.
Written from ours truly Robert Bergman,
Happy growing hope this helps