Is it possible to do this?

Hey guys, just wondering if this is possible. I have one autoflower that should only be a couple weeks away from fully flowering (she is very small due to early stunted growth; she was not in a tent and there were a lot of other factors involved). I thought she would be done by the time I got these 3 seedlings going, but she’s not.

I’m able to place them outside of the tent in another controlled environment if I need to, but today I tried something out to see if it would work, and it seems like it is.

I have the dehumidifier set to 40, and the humidity in the tent/around my flowering plant ranges anywhere from 40-50 throughout the day. The other 3, I have just poured water in the 5 gallon pots they are in, but not actually right on top of the seedling (I did a little when I actually watered them), just to keep the soil moist enough to place humidity domes over top of them with the air holes 100% open.

The humidity in the domes is reading anywhere from 70-85%, and has done so all day. When the soil begins to dry up, I plan on just adding more water to the soil. *again, I am not actually watering them, just the soil where roots are not even touching at this point, so they will not drown.

The light I’m running is a Vivosun VS4000 400w LED (actual output is 400watts). The light recommendation for the stages is 12-18” for flowering and 24-30” for seedlings. Right now the light is right at 18” for my flowering plant and is 26” from the canopy of my seedlings.

I have a carbon filter and an in-line exhaust pulling old air out, with fresh cool air coming in from the opposite corner of the tent across the plants. Also running 2 oscillating fans. Temp remains around 75 in my tent.

Will this work for the next couple of weeks as long as I continue to adhere to their personal stages/needs? Or am I missing something that could be a potential problem? Please let me know. They are all autos. And the flowering one was my first grow (I learned a lot from the mistakes I made with her).

Also, I know you can’t really see the seedlings but they are brand new. 2 sets of leaves and only like 1-2 inches tall, so still very far away from the domes.




They’ll be just fine. Your information is solid. If you’ve researched that much, the best thing to do now is trust your gut. Keep the humidity decent (100% isn’t necessary but 40 is a tad low for seedlings with minimal roots). And watch that light intensity. Morning and evening inspections are important. Keep them comfy and they’ll grow up happy


Do you think they will be affected by the 40% humidity if they are in the humidity domes reading 75-80%?


You are golden. Rock on. If you NEVER get your tent over 50%rh you will still grow just fine. Little more water is all. In my area getting over 60 is rare. I sit at 40 a lot. I quit chasing it. I grow ALL stages together a bunch also. Photo and auto together. Flowering or not.


They won’t like the 40% either way, whether used to it or surprised. So the domes are a good idea. I was just saying dont beat ur self up chasing 100

Let’s see a picture with no cups


Only thing I can add is to suggest reading up on DLI and using this as your metric for determining light height and intensity rather than manufacturer specs. Plant height will change as they grow so you will be better off using a light meter or photone app to measure and adjust as they grow.


I agree with this as well. No hydrometers or thermometers in my grow closet. They live or they don’t lol. But seriously. It’s a weed. Don’t sweat the small things until the plant says ‘hey look over here, something’s wrong’

That said, nun wrong keeping them so happy they never say that too :joy:


@Kingdom_Living g’day mate are you gunna flower with same light 400 watts ? :slight_smile:


Oh snap you stay at 40 even during seedling/veg? Do you just kind of do what I’m doing and always make sure the soil is moist? Or how do you adhere to their desire for more humidity? Luckily I live in Ohio so it’s not bad here. I have a humidifier but I don’t really think I’ll ever need to use it.

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Yes I was planning on it if possible. I know it’s low, I’m really tight on money rn. I might try to get another cheap 400w somewhere to bump it up to 800w total. How many plants do you think I can even grow with 400 in a 5x5?

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Right :joy: thanks bro

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Okay, I was reading someone else on here talking about that and when I dug further it got really confusing so I stopped and hoped it wasn’t too important lol :joy: looks like I’ll need to figure that out

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Okay I’ll post one tomorrow. These are them right before transplant which was last night


Do you find 40% works for most stages? So many people online act like it HAS to be above 70 for seedlings, 60-70 for veg and 40-50 for flowering or they’ll do terrible. I’ve been trying to just find a sweet spot they can all thrive in where I don’t really have to worry as much/spend as much time adhering to it but, this is the best I came up with.

:slight_smile: Kingdom_Living gday man, ya plant looks great for early veg but is auto and i not sure on autos and when it will decide to flip,i was thinking photo an get huge in veglooking good maTE then flip lol srry,an why arent the other 3 pot filled lol,:slight_smile: looking good mate :)edit i do old school mh an hps lol

Yeah unfortunately she’s in preflower rn believe it or not lol. I stunted her bad doing a lot of things wrong in the beginning, and with her being an auto, just couldn’t make up for it. She was literally a SEEDLING for a month! :flushed:

:slight_smile: Kingdom_Living have you tried photoperiod plant it gives you a bit more control,only what i have read abot autos they can be tricky i heard,looking gd tho man .:slight_smile: is a nice an green,if was photo i be flatting out an like lst topping for clones an veg until huge then flip .:slight_smile: but with auto is locked in so to will flip when it wants to,i not sure is only what i read an seen :slight_smile: i think ya got a handle on it mate :slight_smile:

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Thanks bro! And I just ordered some photos actually, looking to try one more auto grow and then switch to photos! (I’m impatient and really just want to see a decent harvest at least once before I invest hella time into one photo grow :joy:)