Insects and sexing

I have a lot of these tiny black flies, indoor grow in 70 potting mix 30 permits, I have checked under the leafs but there is no infestation there. They seem to be in the soil mix mostly. Does anyone recognise what they are , and are they a danger to my plants?. What cannabis

friendly spray could I use?
Also can i just get confirmation if this is male.

Looks like maybe fungus gnats. Sticky traps, DE and letting the soil dry out will take care if those. But don’t waste the effort on the dude


Yeah thought as much. Thanks mate. I will serve the eviction notice straight away, because I have some golden girls( gold leaf fem auto) that have just poked thier heads up. Got 5 and all five came out of seed case. From ilgm of course.
Will keep you updated on their journey.


I think that @BobbyDigital,was spot on, gnats, I hate them sumb**ches and bummer nut sacks. I am going to come along for the ride also, if you don’t mind. I am set to watching

I definitely had them from over watering, I was keeping the top inch of soil wet then boom fungus gnats

Yep, been there done that got the T-shirt. Can be a real pain in the a** to get rid of sometimes. Especially if you don’t catch it in the very beginning

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Now iam fighting spider mites, pain in the azz

Damitt man. I’m sorry, my buddy had those a few years ago and he had a helluva time with them

Thanx for all your feedback . The dude has been evicted to make room for my blondes, will post updates

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I always try to have every ones six. If I don’t know, I will tell you but, I will either try to put you in touch with the right person, or try to track them down myself, time does not always allow the second statement. Sorry your plant hermied on you

I have done some research but had differing views on the amount of light for my autos, one said that you can push a 24hr light cycle no prob, another said 18/6 is better to give them a little rest. I wanted to ask your opinion repins12

Sorry to interject. I’d personally give them a rest. 18/6 is a better choice than 24/0 or even 20/4.
My last run of autos was at 18/6 and they seemed to do much better than the 20/4 that I did on the previous run. I found they just grew more vigorously.
Hope this helps a bit @Andycad. :v:


Definitely thanks mate

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I would have to concur with @Oldguy, my understanding is there needs to be some dark time so, the plant can complete some of the processes it can not do in light. 18/6 appears to be the more general consensus, from what I have been reading. That being stated, This is my first complete indoor grow, just stating what I have found through research and an extensive amount of reading on this forum.
@Oldguy, is that a piece of cake I see??? Happy Anniversary!!! :tada::balloon::beers::clinking_glasses::fireworks::sparkler:

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Thanks @repins12. Full year already. Ha. Ha. :grin:

@Oldguy The older we get the faster it seems to go. I reckon it is what it is. Not sure why that is though, sometimes I wish I could slow time back down a bit.


Oh definitely agree on the slowing things down a bit. Maybe even back it up some. :joy::joy::v:

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Damn straight. There are some things I wish that I could just erase all together but, then that is what has made us what we are today.

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Absolutely brother. Same here :+1::v:

G’day from AUS. I just wanted to confirm if I am the proud father of my first little girl