She looks small, but healthy.
Still would have to be better than my CFLs. Lol I believe I’ve been over watering. Good to know that’ll slow growth. Maybe I’m impatient.
Looks like you can feed her a nice good feeding but she is building roots she will fire off
So lol. After a just a couple of days she seems to Ben filling in nicely. At least I hope it’s a “she”. Lol my other little one is growing so different than what I’m used to. But looks fantastic! Here’s some pictures and let me know what y’all think. I also split the main shoot by accident. But now I’m teasing it and trying to grow it anyway like it is but separately. I guess my FIM failled. Lol my little one I topped at 3rd node yesterday.
And you can see the part that grew with CFL and the part that grew with led and it’s impressive.
So! Today I did a little side job and got some extra cash so I decided to go to my newly opened hydroponics store.
I’m born 100% how to switch over to this brand. It’s still Advanced Nutrients but another’s line. Isn’t it okay to just switch over to this ?
So I invested in a pH and TDS meter. Calibrated the pH and got it all ready for tomorrow’s feeding. Decided to test my feeding. 7.12 pH. And 525 ppm? Can someone break This down? For the pH I’m gonna test the runoff tomorrow and see if I need to lower or not. But can someone explain where I wanna be PPM wise?
@raustin @anon95385719 @dbrn32 @Hogmaster
Plants are doing great too. Lol
The little one is haze and I can definitely tell it’s indica dominate.
Excellent! So, you’r ph- at 7.25 is too high. You need to get it down to between 6.3 and 6.8 so that your lants can est all the PPM you give them. Your PPM at 525 is fine, that’s a good number for you’r small plants, but you’re going to need to go up in PPM as the plants get older. For example, in mid flower you want PPM to be around 2400 because flowering plants eat allot. Does that explain it?
^ she got you set!
Not sure about all, but most nutes will have a recommended ppm level per plant stage. That’s an estimate, but not a bad baseline to follow. Your plants will tell you if you need to adjust beyond that. Some will need more, others less.
Gotcha. How do I increase ppm? Increase feeding amount?
Okay cool. I’m just excited my Grow equipments is getting better. LED, Better nutes, and now pH/PPM meters. Only thing I can think of I would need Next is an official Grow tent instead of my plastic tub thing lmao.
I wouldn’t buy a tent if what you have is working. Not unless you needed to go bigger.
Really? But like I found a 2 by 4 for $45 on Amazon. Which would help a lot with space. Haha it’s not a necessity like the pens were though. lol
Although I did completely grow a plant from seed to harvest without the pens. LOL
Well, most are on the path to grow as much of the best weed possible for as little cost as possible. The closer you keep things to ideal the better off you’ll be.
Yes, the more you feed, the higher your PPM will be.
@raustin @dbrn32 @anon95385719
So, figured I share with you guys much first reading for my feed.
Here’s the readings for my mainline that is in week 5 of Veg.
Nutrients Before Feeding
pH = 6.6
PPM = 515
Nutrients After Feeding(Runoff)
pH = 7.2
PPM = 845
Is this normal? Is this good or bad? Lol
My little Haze plant(My Smallest One, Week 2 Veg) read as follows,
pH was the same as the big one. 6.6 going in, 7.2 coming out.
PPM was 413 and my run off read 133??? I thought my run off PPM was supposed to be higher than what’s going in? Lol plus I was giving it the same nutes as my big girl(they have separate gallons now lol). So I’m just wondering. Lol
No, you’r runoff PPM should always be smaller than going in, that means she’s eating. Everything looks good.
Oh yay! Lol. Well I’m glad they’re both doing good then!
Now is my ph a issue? This is the first feeding I used my pH meter with? Could it just be the older pHed water causing it to be at 7.2? Because I pHed both feedings to 6.6. But it came out both plants 7.2? @raustin
Yeah, it’s a little high, but apparently it’s not affecting them cause they’re eating. Next watering, ph the water to 6.3 to get it down a bit. That should take care of it.
I’ll handle that now so I don’t forget