It was time to water the girls tonight and time for their first feeding. They are in FFHF soil and I’m using AN. Per 1/2 gal of water each they got 2ml Grow part A, 2ml Grow part B, 2ml Voodoo juice, and 3ml Cal-Mag. After I was done feeding 4/6 plants I decided to check runoff PPM. #5 showed 1671PPM and #6 showed 2356 PPM! I really wish I checked runoff on #1 and held off feeding and just got straight RO water in them.
PPM going in was right around 580. Should I just hope for the best and plan on only giving them water next?
I would keep an eye on the girls but just water from now 1 until you do a slur test and know your ppms. Its alright we all do that
@SilvaBack203 even with the nutes in the RO, I know they still got less than the high PPM tap water they were getting without nutes. Hoping it still drops a little.
It will they r very resilient
Same thing happened to me last week.
Waited till dry, then flushed. then couple days later. flushed again. They r at 2.2 EC.
Last week 4.8 EC! YOURS will be find after a couple waters.
If you’re not seeing any burning on your plants just water only until the ppms come down.
Will do!
Just watch them and see how they react. Some might show issues some might just chug right thru the scene. I’m sure once won’t hurt a thing as the outcome numbers don’t appear to be bad. A bit high but not terrible. Gonna read more but I believe u will be okay.
Hell I say if u don’t see any effects from the nute watering if she don’t get her nail tips wet atleast I’d stick with giving the nutes at half strength per gallon. If u fed this time and have no I’ll effects as long as u don’t hike up the mix too much they will take it. Watch the tips of leaves turning yellow or brown if u notice even the slightest tips turning them water only with some calmag PhD correct. If no tip burns I’d feed atleast every other feed and plain water between feeds.
Thanks @Mark0427 that sounds like a solid plan. I did only feed at 1/4 strength of nutes. I planned on easing them into it. So if they show they don’t mind it I may do the same thing next time and check runoff. If runoff PPM is slowly coming down feeding 1/4 nutes, then maybe ill just keep on a rolling until runoff is in check and then kick the nutes up from there.
@Mark0427 they all look like they are taking on the nutes very well as of now actually judging by the new growth. I do have 1 plant that is being weird. None of the other 5 are doing this. Leaves are curled, including new growth, which was happening before I fed them. Do you think she was just thirsty?
As you can see, the color on the new growth in the side shot is much better than the old growth but the outside of the leaves are curled up like the old growth.
See how the tips look a slight bit yellow brown. It seems to me that the nutes r too much right now. How close is the light to these also. Almost appears as a heat stress or too much light ect. I’d def do water only for a couple few waters to get all lower numbers before feed again tho.
I was cranking them pretty good with light but raised lights up and turned them down two days ago when I fed. It was around 18" at 42-43DLI. Now its at 20" at 38 DLI. UV light wouldnt be causing this would it?
Just did a slurry test on WW#3 and PPM was 985. Its coming down. Real test will be next watering in a couple days. They are drinking fast though so may be tomorrow night.
The AK47 seem very resilient to the few hiccups I’ve had so far compared to the White Widow. Their color is near perfect and just keep chugging along.
@SilvaBack203 @BobbyDigital @beachglass @Mark0427
Thats great news 4 real
@SilvaBack203 Makes me happy for sure. PH was 5.8
Yeah!! Coming back stronger than before. your ladies want you to be happy. aww.