Do you feed nutes all the time

i have just had to flush my girls due to nute burn or total block so just i water with just ph water between feeds

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Welcome to the community ! Okay if you flushed everything out and took a PPM reading of runoff. And there is nothing available for the plant to uptake, you will need to feed something. Unless you’re done and ready to harvest. Happy growing !


i fed them last night but i checked the run off this morning and to say i fed them300ppm and the run off was 1400ppm and other factors i just flushed as i had idear its what was needed


thankyou for the welcome too kellydans


I’m assuming your grow is in flowering stage. 1400 ppm I would go with pH water and watch the plants. check ppm next time you water to run off and if it has dropped I would feed again.

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im on week 3

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in vegatation not a bud in sight

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Okay Week 3 too early to be water to runoff. Let Your Pots dry out good before you water again. I use Fox Farm ocean Forest soil I don’t usually feed until up close to flowering time. Happy Frog product about 4 to 5 weeks before you need to feed.


so would you say just give them water

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also i have done a flush as said and now the girls look better but the leafs feel dry and crisp for some reason can you shed light on this

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for some reason they have gone from image
to thisbcf211262c175005b4e02a45ef82b9eaf0b8d5e0_2_375x500
in a short space of time


The damaged leafs will not fix their self start watching the new growth. I would say yes pH water 6.5 for know. I base that on the earlier statement of 1400 PPM run off. Also if you fill out the support ticket will get more feedback. Overall I think your plants look pretty good. It’s a good practice to pick up the pots when they’re dry get a feel of the weight and then after watering pick up to determine when the plant needs watered. I usually let Pots dry out about three days before watering again.


right so i have been feeding these from seed so now for the next week ill just give them water. i will turn them in a week regardless as that’s one week over the plan. i do thank you kellydans because i have grown weed before but ten years ago and ive probably forgot a lot and who’s to say i was any good back then so again thankyou for your assistance


I noticed the last picture you’re starting to get some upward growth are you planning on topping or fimming.

right so i was just going to grow them but with some advice i was going to scrog however i have a 16x16 room and i have 16 lights and scrogging takes up alot off rom so im going with topping assuming topping mean turning the top into two by taking the middle bud out and then ill do it again. so yeah all been well ill get through this issue and do more topping

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any input as to why the leaf’s might now feel dryish and a little britle

do you think ill get through this


I think you’re going to be fine watch the new growth.
I really don’t know about the dry leafs.

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thankyou all

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