Se here I go again. I just finished a harvest. Dropped a seed 3 days ago. 2 days ago I placed in starter cube in a humididome thing.
Last night nothing.
Today I give you stretch !!!
Oh yeah I have more to trim from last grow.
So a new plant deserves upgrades. And the addiction takes over. Tent is in shambles getting ready for newer system.
Ok so new system is some old mixed with current culture parts. A cobbled mess of madness will be born. I’ll do pics tomorrow evening after I clean and rebuild.
Awesome! Set to watching!!
Set watch. Good luck and Happy Growing.
@BetrayedSoul If you don’t mind I’m watching along too. I’m a soil grower but interested in other methods.
Hello Stretch, my name’s Loco can we be friends? I like warming in the sun’s glorious Ray’s and snuggling my roots in dark, cool damp black gold. I also love snorting carbon dioxide and I’m looking for love…
The system.
Water pump x2
4" air disc x2
8 gal growth mods x2
Misc pvc oh yeah always zip self in tent while gluing for best effect !!!
Of corse lights x2 420w total like serious it has to be a bad ass plant if grown under 420
Humidifier for veg
Dehumidifier for flower
Exhaust fan 6" with carbon filter
Growth module turned epicenter 1/4 the cost. Same thing in end except I have to cover top.
Pump with inline filter sending water to epicenter.
Chiller hooked through lid to epicenter
Growth module in tent with 2" pvc for undercurrent and return line to pump out of back.
First leak I expected this one was a little mother bleep bleeping bleep
Must not be a leak if it didn’t show in picture lmfao. It’s a small one. Trust me it’s there. Just splash water on screen to see it.
Ok all together and running to find leaks.
Very nice system…totally jelly:sunglasses:
Ok I time to put Stretch into new home.
Here’s the root growth so far and omg she stretched like a &$&#&@%$$@
I’d have to say my hand looks better with a hammer or any tool in it !!!
Either way I think I have no career in hand modeling lmfao
New home. Will Stretch live 24 hours more ?
Oh. The lights. 420watts because 420 is the magic number for super buds.
Same lights I had before but using the 2 on 1 plant for better buds. I just have to keep them far enough away
First casualty of new grow is the pump for nutrient water. Or it may simply be design that is causing an air lock in the line.
But anyways it lived with the huge fan in tent. I thought for sure it would be laying down. Also stretched some more so I moved lights closer. I’ll move a couple inches per day until it stops.
A bit fuzzy. Maybe just maybe I will clean all the construction debris off my phones camera for next update.
Oh I’ll test on this 5 gal pail.
wipes camera with dirty shirt
Fed girl today. 1ml/gal grow a and grow b emerald harvest.
Also gave her a beat down and folded her over by accident. It’s good to know I am already staying consistent with the errors in this grow as well. I went to look at roots and topped net pot. The hydroton tumbled around and squashed her flat. Lmao I giggled as I reset her straight.