ILGM Gorilla Glue Autoi Grow

Planted 4 ILGM GG seeds in Coco with full strength Jacks (3,2,1) on Christmas Eve. 3 popped up on 12/27 and the 4th on 12/28. I have since added Tribus to the nutes. I’ll do my best to keep this journal updated. Pics coming.



congrats and good luck, I am locked in to watch


A little more information. These are growing in a 4x4 tent with 2 Hlg260r lights. Currently running on an 18/6 light cycle. lights are at 30” and on 4th setting.


Nice work congratulations, I can’t wait to drop my seeds and started new adventure with 3 different strains


got some great lights

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Looking good. Set to following!

Haven’t posted in a while. Here at new photos.

So as you can see, 1 really likes what it is getting. 2 are beginning to respond but the last one isn’t happy at all.

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Seeing some taco’ing on the last one as well. I’m questioning if the low humidity could be the culprit here. Humidity has been in the 30’s lately. Recently added a humidifier to try to help but it’s still only in the low 40’s.

What do y’all think?

@Hellraiser @SilvaBack203 @Nicky @AfgVet @dbrn32 @Underthestairs @Mark0427 @imSICKkid

Any ideas what he’s got going on here?

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Thanks for tag @JWhistler.

Nice looking girls 1 thing it comes 2 my mind is ambient temperature. The cold makes en do that

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Let’s do it this way. Fill this out the best you can.

What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner


Let’s start with the grow report up above but to me I’m thinking either light issue or a pH issue causing other problems. What is the pH going in and coming out. Might as well grab ppm from same mix and see if it’s using up food or storing it.


Agreed, that’s why I’m suggesting the full ticket. I’m guessing it’s a combination of things.


[quote=“Underthestairs, post:12, topic:80364, full:true”]
Let’s do it this way. Fill this out the best you can.

What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
Ilgm Gorilla Glue Auto

Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF


Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths

Auto pot 5 gallon grow bags

PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
5.8 prior to adding Tribus

PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
Indoor or Outdoor

Indoor 4x4 gorilla tent

Light system
(2) Hlg 260R currently at 50% on an 18/6 schedule approximately 30”

Day, mid to upper 60’s
Night same

Humidity; Day, Night been around 30% just added a humidifier
Ventilation system; Yes,

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; No


To cold

Shoot for 79f


Yeah too cold and possible ph issues and the last one looks like it’s a bit of a mutant.


@Hellraiser your back, were you sick?

Yeah had a touch of covid, much better now.


@Hellraiser welcome back brother

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