So I’m way passed the time I thought I’d be cutting her down… still looking clear?
Lot’s of cloudy but I would still wait! She is a BEAST, nice!
What kind of buzz you want?
Thanks @Holmes! Yeah I figured I’d wait a bit longer. Checking trichs daily. I’m not looking to be locked on the couch, but not annoyingly energized either. I like to be productive lol
Side bar, any thoughts on an amount of day(s) for blackout before harvest? I’d be harvesting before light cycle starts anyways.
Some go 72 hours, some 48, I just give her 1 dark cycle and chop myself!
Tidy looking plant you have there. A bit more amber should give you what you’re looking for. Cloudy is looking fine it’s time to watch the amber now. I have never done the dark spell. In, ready and chop
Did some trimming of sugar leaves yesterday, so today I tried my first ever bubble hash process. Stay tuned for results!
Keep us posted as I’m taking notes
Batch #1 received a 4/5 on the smoke scale. Wish I could post videos here
Lit up a bowl with screen. Almost instant onset
If this is any gauge on how her flower will smoke, I’m thrilled!!
I actually didn’t think to look while I trimmed them, but I assume trichomes on sugar leaves are a little more progressed than the flowers? Or if this is how she’ll smoke then I’ll cut her down tomorrow
My morning surprise! She’s being chopped just before dawn tomorrow
To be honest, I’m kinda disappointed. I checked literally every morning and night and some days checked multiple times to see if the trichomes were ready. They look a little “overdone” to me in sone areas, but it’s not on the entire nug, nor the entire plant, just some spots like these that look more than what I had wanted. Does it really change that fast or do I just need to do better at watching?
Regardless I will share my experience throughout the process!
Can’t wait to see what you yield
I wouldn’t say over done. More like perfect to me. Yield looks like it’s going to be good as well
Thanks guys. I too am excited to see yields!
One thing I’ve learned from this first grow is that I should have cut back a lot more during my LST process. Due to the fact that she’s an auto I was worried to cut any branches at all with the assumption she couldn’t recover, so I haven’t cut a single branch on her.
Looking back I should have trimmed up everything below the red line. Although there is an “okay” amount there, I think I’d see better results toward the top of the plant if energy wasn’t being utilized by these lower branches.
It’s all about knowing your strain. There’s a train of thought out there that suggests you grow a strain repeatedly and get to know it. Not for me though, I like a mystery
This is the bit I’m never sure of. How much is too much when you trim like this. When do you start and where do you finish. I always end up with larfy stuff so I’ve bought a trim bin and will use it for kief
Haha yeah I like the mystery too. I also get tired of smoking the same stuff all the time so I’ll need the assortment lol.
When you’re referring to trimming are you talking about during harvest?
My harvest plan was to remove all sugar leaves that are showing a stem and leave the remaining. I’ll put them in a bag and put it in the freezer- use later to make bubble hash.
After removing sugar leaves I’ll chop and hang as one for a full 24-48 hours. After 24-48 hours I was going to separate into main branches and trim more sugar leaves, again saving them for the bubble bags because they should still be pretty wet.
Within the following 5 days I will check for the proper snap on the stalks, which from what I’ve read is when you bend a stem and it “snaps” but doesn’t break.
After reaching optimal snappage I’ll cut up nicely and manicure to my liking, then store everything together in my large CVault for curing. I’ll use the trim bin during all dry trimming to collect keif, then save the trimming to make more bubble hash.
I should’ve said defoliating. I never know when or where to start and where to stop. Should I start the last week of veg and carry in to the first week of flower. How far up the stem should I go. Do I take off branches that won’t reach the top by harvest time. So many questions I have
@Davyg I wish I could help you there. Like I said I hadn’t cut a single branch because I was worried with it being an auto.
As far as defoliation goes I waited until late flower to remove all fan leaves. From what I’ve read, once buds are pretty established the fan leaves are no longer needed.
About every two weeks from there I removed sugar leaves that showed a stem.
Some good pointers there though with the fan leaves and sugar leaves
Harvest looks good