I live in the midwest and get the best outdoor grow from Gold Leaf. For this area, it’s best to start indoor germination and keep under lights until they are quart jar size. I try to get them outdoors in early May, after no chance of frost. As an old country girl, I plant in year-old rotted horse manure. These plants need lots of time. and I just add more rotted manure until they flower. Then I hit them twice with Big Bud. That’s it. My best plant this year was over 8 feet tall and had 4 stems, each over 1 inch thick. I harvested in early October and got over 11 ounces off 1 plant. Now this is only my 2nd year of growing and I’m sure I have lots to learn. But Gold Leaf makes up for a lot of mistakes. Just give it time, water and lots of sunlight.
Simple is sometimes the best! Looks great! Harvest congratualtions!
Congrats on the harvest! Man I cant wait to try outdoors. People have been yielding insane amounts pretty consistently
Congratulations , gold leaf one of my favorites. Genetics rock solid. I’ve had great results with them outside and inside.
I got 11 ounces off one Gold Leaf plant. They need a lot of time, so start them indoors and get them outside as soon as you can. By October you’ll have monster weed!
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