I purchased a new TDS meter, can't read

Think of it as centimeters or inches, which do u prefer basically. both do the same thing in the end. I hope all that makes sense for you.
I was too late to edit so had to add anoth message lol

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All TDS meters test the electrical conductivity and convert it to PPM. And I have that same “HoneForest” meter you posted @Bobbi, haven’t had any problems. I test it against a known PPM solution regularly, and it’s always right on.


That meter also reads in microsiemens.


Well something is obviously wrong. You really should get something to check against to know whether it’s you or the meter that’s needing a tuneup. NaCl solution would be a good choice then you can see where you are.

Digital TDS meters are pretty simple.


they r EC and temp meters, why try to ‘convert’ it to TDS or PPM.?

“The only accurate way of measuring TDS is to evaporate the water and weigh the solid residue. The TDS level can be estimated by measuring the EC of the water with a meter and converting. A TDS meter is actually an EC meter calibrated in TDS, estimating the TDS from the EC. Some meters can be set to display either value.”

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