Last year I wound up with seeds on several plants. I assumed they’d all be female seeds from male flowers on female plants. Surprised to find male plants in full bloom this year. Strange.
Not at all, to guarantee fems you need colloidial silver. And then its still not 100%.
Seeds from a hermie plant are predisposed to be hermies themselves, so i have read anyhow.
I heard the opposite. Got em before the flowers opened. It was a sight I’ve not seen before. Thanks for the info.
This is true100%. Even the best silverthiosulfate sprayed female plants pedigree bank feminized seeds. They are only 99% female. If you sprout 100 or 1000 seeds you will find a male. I have selfed gifted elite clone cuts many times to get a pile of seeds. Then popped all of them looking for nothing but a MALE to breed with. (Yes I clone keeper males too for father plants.)
Thanks, got my eyes opened. Cut two more males out. Just harvested 3 autos, from an auto that had seeds. Got another female flowering way too early. It’s been an interesting year!
Still cutting out males. 7 total so far. Got a few females flowering early, too. Did get seeds off a auto flower. Already harvester three auto’s, that were on schedule. I think that auto gene is coming out in a few more. Not due for proper trigger till September here in illinois.more FYI then anything else. First time I’ve had my own seeds. It’s interesting, to say the least. Still getting seeds as I grind to smoke.
I separated one of the males
Thinking Iay try some. So far it looks like the indica had the male flowers. Got 4 Sour Deisel growing too.