I hope i'm not in the bad books

i replied to a post that was saying ILGM seeds were shit.
all i said was i never bought from them yet but do they really have a 100% sprout guarantee? and then the post was closed.
i said the best i ever had was 80% from other seed banks and was happy with that.
sorry if i pissed the bosses off but it was by no means my intention to stir up trouble here.
my apologies if i offended anyone.
BTW i’m kinda messed up and try to be considerate to everyone but my fingers don’t always say what my mind says.


Naw it were’nt you, dont worry or fret :+1:


The person that started that thread was not being helpful to anyone, I believe. I have gotten about the same 80% success rate as you. I didn’t ask ILGM to replace them because I’m pretty sure even that was my fault, if anyone. I’ve had 3 strains from ILGM, all great genetics so far. I’m a happy customer!


20 of 20 this spring, and all zeemed to do well the 12 I grew to harvest are awesome, the others that found happy homes are really liked, going to have another run next spring and do some first time indoor in Jan.


If you start a grow journal, I’ll try to follow along. I still have plenty to learn!

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Never grew indoors before and this yr was my 2nd grow Outdoors in maybe 30 plus yrs, loving it wife gets jealous of my girls until harvest tHen she very happy she enjoys the fruits.


that’s funny.
my daughter (21 years old) says i love my girls more than her.
i just say i can tell what these girls want and i have no clue what you want from me.


Prob had nothing to with you bro. Keyboard warriors arent welcome here. So those who come in a start crap, gets a swift kick right back out into internet land where they might find someone to listen to em…


I saw that when it started. The guy was either trying to promote another seed bank which you picked up on, or was just trying to stir up a fight. The mod was right to close the thread. Was absolutely nothing to do with your comment. Having worked in a public service business for a long time I can tell you there is about 1 out of every 100 people that just want to be unreasonable. Its quite likely that he never even purchased ILGM seeds and thought he could get some free by griping on the forum. We see this kind of stuff every so often. I used the guarantee once when I first started. Like others have said it was most likely my own fault. I still get a dud seed sometimes but I just dont bother now. By cloning good plants I have no need for lots of seeds. I bought 5 Harlequin a couple years ago and started one. Still have a mother plant from it and just cloned two more. ILGM is my source for 90% of my seed needs.