I am obtuse, so I emplore your feedback & abuse!

Good Man, always cut below the round center growth when you perform a simple top like we did. I am glad you are not wasting a moment because She’s growing crazy fast with an awesome number of branches that will form beautiful long colas. Good night my Brother, and I am Dog tired. I would never misguide you, and I am glad I prodded you for a long time to get it done. You will thank me in the end, and I know you will not run with that sentence because I am not a show off, nor feel the need to be in contests/bud plan to get Kudos. There is nothing wrong with it, but It doesn’t blow my hair back. You know I am eccentric, so I don’t follow the social norms that most follow in society. Good night


My Brother I am 100% with you on all you said! You have never steered me wrong! You are a solid dude also! We think a lot alike and that’s scary lol! I’ve never had a problem with you and don’t think I ever could. Good night and hope your dreams are pleasant. :v::call_me_hand:


Just catching up again FL man. Solid advise on the topping. When i do it so closely, it always just stunted growth. Never could get that fim stuff right.

Same plant after a topping, transplant, and low stress training.

@Dman1969 i completely take away the chance of two new tops forming and focus ALL her energy on the four ‘tops’ grows like a champ


@PurpNGold74 I’ve tried to fimm four times and missed every time. I guess I’ll stick with topping lol :call_me_hand::v:


Ifkr! It NEVER works out!! I just slow down nicely growing plants. Think i just cant miss the miss


It might be a blessing in disguise for me the lower growth is goin crazy! :v:Have a great night brother!


Yea. Thats a lovely side effect. Be prepared to support those lovely side tops! Good night my guy


Ask me about bolstering your branches, and I will write down a few ideas. Send it around the community, and make a great decision that has served you very well @Dman1969


Hey, @PurpNGold74, It’s good to know that you are doing well. Your girl looks good, and you got the LST going great. Have a good night/morning


Thanks. Its 11:30 here. I had just gotten off my second hustle. Needed some ilgm time and ur thread exploded so figured no better place to blow a few likes right? :joy: hope all is well your way my guy. And also hope u know ur nowhere near as despised around here as u think. i definitely consider you a friend and u have solid advise. Have a good night man. Time to eat and get ready gor 6 am. It beckons us all


Thanks @PurpNGold74, I do not remember ever giving this bit of information, but my field of study was Psychology when I attended at a Florida University. Initially, on site was a core group from Florida when I joined. That started out the quagmire, but things have changed. I appreciate what you wrote about being respected as a outdoor grower, and to reinforce what you wrote I was tagged twice recently to help a fellow grower that logistically almost lives longitudinal next door in respect to everyone being from different dots all over the world. I had a bump in the Road with a grower a long time ago, but it was resolved. Since then I do, say, or post certain things to play Vodoo Psychology. For example, I like to see how people react according to stimulus given in Words/Pictures. I completely feel you about having to hustle at work, and the dreaded clock. The clock says get up WORK!!! The mind & body is saying not yet, but the thousands of reasons why one must put one foot in front of the other. It was good to catch up, and Abandoned Orphan’s #1 has been yanked out of the dirt to cure. It was a slow needy process starting with ten leaves after the drought/abandonment to visit family & week cruise to get to the yank. It was worth it in the end, so no regrets in any form except not asking one of my neighbors to water them. I know you have been busy, yet I hope life has been treating you well. Have a good Day


Thanks my man! The day has started with lovely sunshine and loads of work as usual. But i woke up so its a blessing. I completely understand the want to play devil’s advocate and pull the bears tail. Do it daily around here is only for the :poop: and giggles. Also noticed you put the :scissors: on Orphan 1. She looked good. Nice and milky and hopefully full of your preferred buzz, even if she does rock you to sleep from time to time! Have a good day and be safe bro. Heat index is pushing 110 around here, so i know yall cranking further south


We have been getting steady flood, and flood warnings for almost two weeks. I suspended physical work in the field to catch up on the paper pushing end of the Roofing. I pay labor, gas, time, ect. to get drenched with another downpour.
I have to meet a customer to sign a contract, and collect my downpayment to start another job. I am meeting him soon, and I have not prepared for him the Contract w/scope of work. I enjoy when we have time to converse, so till the next time I look forward to seeing your LST girl grow. Have a great Day,


Hello my Brother @Dman1969, I have a moment, but I have to go move a mobile work trailer. All Day long I thought fantis, no thought about your #1 Girl and the symmetry she has. It’s one special girl, and I am extremely excited to see Her Physice when you post the Obituary Sendoff in time. The most I have is one eightway, yet she’s got Kankles, and no rear end. I have grown many Gorrila grows, Houses, and seen Freight Trucks loaded full of Everglades Best, but you have the #1 Girl in every Department while on this place we call Earth my Eye’s have seen in all my Dastardly Deeds Grows. The speed it’s growing one would think it’s a Male, yet you know what you have. You know I say what I want, and not into flattery unless well deserved. Kudos to you, and sitting ringside to watch Her Grow into a Lady. I felt compelled to write this again to tell you I am happy you have her, and Oldguy is growing some mouthwatering seeds soon. I am gonna run out, but great job!


@S.FloridaSwampman Thank you your words mean more than you know! I hope your paperwork hasn’t been too overwhelming. I hate having to do that! I pray the rain gods give you a break! And I hope your evening is high and relaxing My Brother! :sunglasses::call_me_hand::v:


@Oldguy I can’t wait to see your next grow! I hope things are goin your way brother! Stay high and dry! :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:


Brother. I can’t wait either. :grin:
It’s gonna be another learning curve with goin hydro but my long time friend has done this set up before only he ran a sog. I’ll pick his brain lots on this next one. Mostly on the setting up of the pump and hoses. Should be a blast. Urs is lookin great brother. :+1::+1:
Enjoy ur day and be safe. :grin:
Peace for now @Dman1969. :v:


@Dman1969, @Oldguy, @Gremmall, @PurpNGold74, Yesterday, I used a Lady as a Metaphor to explain the composition of my little 8 way, and it was demeaning. Instead of withdrawing the post I am making a formal apology to anyone who deservedly feels offended. It was not my intention, and reinforces that I do stupid things in my walk through this life. We are still getting rain, and I am pushing paper, lining up jobs, buying materials, ect. The Purple Haze is wicked looking even though they are sprouts, but the color is already apparent. Hopefully, everyone’s Day is going well. Tall Later


We all definitely have verbal slipups. It takes a man to realize and a Grown Man to admit his follies. I commend u for both. Have a productive day my friend


I lost my “ filter “ a long time ago. :grin:
I’m usually the first one to put my foot in it. But I concur with purp that it takes a grown man to make things right. :+1::wink:
Peace for now @S.FloridaSwampman.
Enjoy ur day. :v::drooling_face: