Humidity controller question

Hello, I was wondering if anyone uses the inkbird IHC-200 or something similar for their tents or could answer a couple questions about it.
The main question I guess I have is with the way it works in regards to a fan.
You set a min and max for humidity, at the minimum the humidifier kicks on. At the max, the exhaust fan kicks on. Right?
Don’t I want my exhaust fan on all the time or will it be ok if shuts off for periods of time?
Thanks for the help.

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It should be that when the humidity hits your low setting the humidifier will turn on. When you hit your max, the humidifier will turn off.

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That’s how mine is setup…

Work 1, work 2… I cannot remember which is humidifier and which is dehumidifier.

I set the humidifier on the correct “work” and a exhaust fan with carbon filter on the other dehumidifier “work” outlet.

Mine keeps everying pretty consistent that way throughout the day and night.

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I guess I forgot to add that in there.
Would you not hook up you exhaust fan then?
@Growmoredank does your fan cycle all the time hooked up that way?

My issue was dark time humidity was getting to 91%RH. During the day my exhaust system was properly handling the heat in my tent and humidity was okay… I added a vivosun small grow tent dehumidifier, but it really didn’t do much. So I added a separate second exhaust system solely for humidity control and got rid of the dehumidifier.

So my 4x4 tent has 2- 4" vivosun exhaust systems…one connected to a bdlink temperature controller and the other connected to the inkbird humidity controller with my coolmist humidifier.

My heat exhaust turns on when temps get too high set at 75F and my humidity exhaust turns on when humidity goes above my set range 44RH.

I have my inkbird set at 42.5RH with a plus and minus of 1.5 as i am in flowering now. My humidity never goes below 41RH and above 44RH.

I have a veg tent set up exactly as this one but higher temps and humidity settings. The bdlink controller plus/minus cannot be adjusted… I think it turns on when at 3f above set high temp. I may switch the bdlink to another heat controller if it can be adjusted like the inkbird.

I should add…for both exhausts hanging from the tent ceiling poles… You must tie the cross poles together with thick zip ties to handle the weight. So you don’t bend or cause failure in the poles.

Most come with 2 in one direction and one going the other… I bought extra poles to help carry and spead out the forces from the weight… I am a mechanical and tooling engineer…math is a great thing… Statics and trigonometry are more fun using them for this purpose.

My exhaust has its own controller that is set for temp. Much like the inkbird, you set it for a min and max temp so the fan kicks on at your set max and turns off at your set low.

What brand and model is your temp controller? … I am looking for one more like the inkbird humidity controller

It’s an ac infinity controller. Inkbird also makes a temp controller. They also make a humidity/temp combo controller.

Thank you… I found the temp/humidity combo controller after buying the humidity controller. I looked at tge inkbird temp controller but at the time tge reviews weren’t favorable.

Not sure why. I used one for an ac in my garage tent and it worked as advertised.

Just checked once again… I may replace my bdlink and vivosun controllers for the inkbird temp controller… Amazon just extended their return policy until January 21,2021…i may even save a few $. It would make things a bit more precise as well.

Thank you! I hope you have a great night!

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I just ordered the temp/humidity controller as well: should be here on Wednesday. I’ll report back how it works.

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Work 1 is humidifiers, work 2 dehumidifier