Hello hope everybody is well. Here I go talking about humidity again it seems like every time I turn around humidity is a problem. There’s just no getting away from it up here where I’m at. Not sure if it’s the house being kind of close to the saltwater the Rainy state. So I’ve been trying to figure out a place for drying and I can’t come up with the right Temp and humidity. It’s either way too hot and the humidity is not quite low enough. Or the temperature is perfect and the humidity is too high. One spot temperature 65 humidity 66. Another spot temperature mid to Upper 70s humidity 60. Another spot temperature 65 humidity 70. Anybody have any suggestions on which one of these I should shoot for. LOL. Thank you in advance for any feedback. @merlin44 didn’t you say you were not far from me? How do you deal with the humidity if you have any?
The ideal temperature for a drying room is between 65 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity between 45 – 55 percent in a dark room. Within 6 – 10 days your branches should snap instead of bending and the buds should feel popcorn dry on the outside. This is the time to cut the individual buds from the branches and put them into glass jars to begin the curing process.
I built a drying box (6’ X 6’ x 4’)which I maintain at 60 F and 60% for drying. I mounted a window A/C unit on the box for temperature control and use a humidifier and dehumidifier to maintain rH.
I am in western Oregon.
@anon47338222 yeah I know the temperatures and the humidity that the buds should dry at. I just can’t get there. The best I can get is 70 degrees and 56% humidity.
@merlin44 I figured you had something up your sleeve to deal with this moisture we got around our area. Lol. I don’t have the room or the money to do that. Like I was just telling go Blue that the best I can get is 70° and 56% humidity.
That drying box is almost the size of my house. Lol. That’s what I’m talking about though that’s what I need. Little bit smaller scale though
You can get by with a much smaller drying chamber or box if you are producing less product. This holds 20 - 30 lbs wet weight which ends up being 4 - 5 lbs (usually 5+) dry.
Something as simple as a cardboard box works really well for many folks. It does not need to be elaborate to be effective.
Previously, before my yields got so high, I built a PVC frame which I wrapped in trash bags for an effective drying chamber. I did not glue the joints so it was easy to tear down and store.
I thought about a 40-gallon Tote box. I don’t know how I get my dehumidifier in there. LOL I made a makeshift tent and put my dehumidifier and it in my living room and the numbers weren’t good. I took out all of my veg and put the dehumidifier in there and I got the humidity down pretty good but the temp got almost up to 80. I put ducting off of where the hot air blows out of the dehumidifier and ran it out of the top of my tent and it was still way too hot. So my son is down in Oregon at his moms visiting so I made a makeshift plastic enclosure in his room and got the temp to 70 and the humidity 56. In the back of my mind that Tote box is my last option to try to get it lower. I’ve got a three bedroom house worth of stuff inside of a 740 square foot house. I don’t have a lot of room. Lol
I love the fact that is on the OUTSIDE of the garage door lol
You have the perfect set up for a grand entrance…set up the lights and sound track and bring a line of friends and hit play and open the door…Que fog machines
Nice catch there, that “garage door” is a roll up that is between my shop and my garage. You are correct, it gives me easy access for loading and unloading. The drying box actually sits in the shop and I access it from the garage side.
Nice. Nice wood shop too!
Do you have an window ac?
You could set it on a controller and have a bit ducted to your dry box with the dehumidifier in it to keep the temp down… (janky and touchy and would take some tinkering to make it work well but it would be better than your dealing with at the moment)
If you don’t have a window unit i would guess next best is put a piece of veny(… What the heck is veny?..i mean vent…but i like it so it stays) over a central air vent and try to bleed just enough air in to keep it cool.
Or just set the box directly in front of a vent so it blows on the outside of you box?
You may be able to pick up a used window A/C unit at Habitat For Humanity for cheap this time of year.
Place humidity packs in jars as soon as you Jat up your buds. Burp twice a day for 2 weeks for about 15 mins. After 2 weeks you only need to burp once a day for the next 4 weeks. Yes you can smoke anytime after drying but I’d advise you wait at least till the 3rd week. It’s just so much better. You’ve waited 6 months what’s a few more weeks.
Sanitize it well 0_o Peroxide 7 % Diluted 50% With water
Or bleach 3 - 6 PPM Use an oto (pool chlorine test kit)
@merlin44 didn’t see that post about the PVC box with the trash bags. In a way that’s kind of what I’ve got going on with the makeshift enclosure and my son’s room. Without the PVC. I actually thought about that as well as the Tote box. I figured the toe box cuz I’ve already got one. Not quite sure how I set it up though. The PVC boxes a great idea. Tell you the truth that’s how I made my flower tent. PVC Frame 2 and 1/2 by 3 ft 5 1/2 feet tall. Left the floor open and set it on Mason blocks standing upright so I can adjust the tents height if need be. space blankets plastic sheeting. Wrap it like a Christmas present with the amount of humidity I’ve got I’m just afraid no matter what I make or where I put it I’m not going to able to get my humidity low enough. I’m only drying my experimental side this time around. Maybe an ounce or two. So I’m hoping I can get by with the humidity I’m dealing with. And in the next couple weeks I’ll try to maneuver a PVC pipe box big enough for my big dehumidifier to fit in. The only thing is is that dehumidifier kicks out a lot of heat. I tried putting it in my flower tent and it raised my temperature up by 8 degrees. My temp got up to 86° and I turned it off immediately. Not sure how high it would have got if I let it go.
I would not put the dehumidifier in the box, as you say too much heat. Put it outside the box and duct the dryer air into the box.
It’s either heat issue or humidity issue. Stuck like Chuck. LOL. The only thing is the heat that comes out of that ducting from the dehumidifier is 84 degrees. If I run ducting into that dry box it would definitely be too hot. If I put a thermometer up against the dehumidifier casing It’s only 74 degrees. So I don’t get much heat off the dehumidifier itself. Maybe a couple degrees. I tried running that ducting to my intake fan of my flower tent hoping it would suck up dry air and bring down my humidity and it got way too hot inside.