Hey hoping y’all’s eyes are better than mine and let me know what ya think thanks
Can see a few ambers here and there. If were me, I’d go a little longer. Week or two. Looks great by the way. Great job.
Hi there. I think she could use some more plumping. Maybe 13 days. Others should be here soon.
I agree she needs a chance to thicken up a little bit.
Lol been 2 more weeks for five weeks. Had extreme heat throughout summer so I think it’s really slowed em down and the foxtails day 75 after flip. Thank you though I don’t quite have the eye for this much appreciated
Hey just wanted to tag @dbrn32 so he can see I finally got some ok pics. Thanks for all your help here dbrn32 and everyone else.
Looks like it’s in my personal window.
You’re at Grower’s Choice time now.
I still see a small amount of clear heads, which would probably have me leave them a few more days. But they’re close enough if you’re in a hurry.
Not in a hurry now that there is a “known” end in sight. Thought was going to be done but reading that just caused a sigh of relief. This plant made me realize that my 2 bb#3 are 3-5 wks out still even though at day 75 of flower today.photos
I would say wait a bit. Close.
Still see some clear. I have picked a few times like that because i was anxious.
Always regret it.
These are different than what’s pictured above? The above plants are more like days out not weeks.
Thanks I know the pics are close the other plants have 3 weeks or so no pic of those. Thanks so it’s been 4 days going to upload new pics I think today is the chop day yay
You can take them whenever you’re ready
Looking good for sure now!! Happy Harvest friend:muscle:
Picture in your head some guy jumping doing air guitar celebrating. Thanks all I do believe I found a new home for my grow well everything.lol thanks again all