How to get my pH levels down?

40 dollars on amazon…

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Far Out, Amazon ship to me across the Atlantic Pond !

It would be good if ILGM sold their version of a pH tester…Mr Bergman are you listening ?

Seasons Greetings and a big thank you :santa:



Welcome. Same to you too!

See? A good tester CAN be had for a.fair price. Mine cost about €40 from a place in Wales…forgot the name…and I’m very happy with it.

I am in a place in Cymru…any more clues as to where ?.. SA1

I don’t think I can give you a website or a store name, not allowed. Go to, look for “Essentials pH meter” and look for a seller in Conwy. Ill give you the name of the store if the moderators let me.

thank you but no thank you as I had a look around Carm on the old inty-net and found what I want (need)…you are a TOP Man ! …ta


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Maybe you should learn some English…'cuz…I dint unnerstan a fukki wordyesd.


PH down is mainly phosphoric acid (plus other buffers) and is a nutrient. Lemon juice is a great PH down and like Alan said Baking Soda can be used for PH up. But it has adverse effects on the plant if too much is used.

Definitely get a good PH meter. I use the Apera PH20 which is a little more expensive but is VERY accurate and allows for 3 point calibration. It also comes with 2 Standard Reference Solutions: 4.0 and 7.0 IIRC.

Earth Juice carries organic pH up/down, though you can just buy the stuff for less in bulk, elsewhere. They’re citric acid granules (down) & potassium bicarbonate granules (up).


Carmarthenshire /Internet (i was wrting in code)

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If you use rain water or RO water, be sure your nutes have enough calcium and magnesium, or buy some calmag supplement. Usually, tap water has enough calcium and magnesium hardness for the plants.

Decent digital pH meters are under $20 US on amazon. Mine was and it works fine.

Vinegar is fine. Citric acid is fine but harder to get. Same stuff as lemon juice. For pH up, potassium bicarbonate is better for the plants than sodium bicarbonate. Sodium accumulation is bad for them.

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Where do you find that, is it like a food substance like baking soda?

Lol! Yeah, I kinda figured. I called the store once with some questions, actually just to hear the Welsh accents which I love (I’m a Yank ex-pat living in Belgium). Glad you found what you were looking for.

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate: Very easy to get and dirt cheap, but not so good for the plants. Potassium is better because they actually use the potassium. It’s in every type of fertilizer.

You can look for it online. Compare the price to pHUp. Depending on your country, it might be cheaper or easier just to buy the pHUp. In the US, the DEA made all the chemical supply stores stop selling chemicals to individuals, even safe stuff like salt. The meth chemists were so adaptable, the DEA just said “screw it” and outlawed everything. Chemistry is now illegal in the US!



I don’t think we have Earth Juice in Belgium , its not such an advanced country. We do have pet stores that carry pH up and down, plus I dumped coffee grounds in the girls drink water for tomorrow. Maybe they’ll get a caffeine buzz and grow faster! @1BigFella


Aquarium gear works great!

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aquarium gear

That’s the thing in the US: You can’t buy chemicals from a chemical or lab supply place, but you can buy products from retailers or online even if they are nothing but the chemical you want. For instance, you can’t buy sulfuric acid from the lab supply and they will make the excuse that it is dangerous. But you can buy it as pool acid from a pool supply or battery acid from the auto parts store!

no Earth Juice in Belgium

No, but you have wonderful chocolate and cheese to die for.

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As I recall from my beer drinking days, they have some good beer here too. But that’s all in the past, I’m just a wino pothead now. I went to a garden store to get rooting powder, they said they can’t sell it anymore because it has “dangerous chemicals”…sound familiar?