How does this posting stuff work?

Nice. I mean, really nice! I doubt I’ll ever get to that point. But if I can get past 6 or 8 weeks, I’d be fucking ecstatic, even if they didn’t flower!

By the way, I’m an old fart, too. I’m trying to learn this so I can teach my adult sons. They’re growing some really nice psilocybin these days. One’s a doctor and the other is in law school, so they’re pretty friggin’ smart.

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Is this the stuff?

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That is it…

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You folks who can grow photoperiod plants are nothing short of gods. We bow to you.

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First, I have to get past the six-week hump…

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Follow the guidance of successful growers on this forum and you will.

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Your confidence brings me hope. Thank you. :pray:


Photos are pretty easy. You get to control when you flip and you can train as much as you want. That is how those plants I posted were so bushy. Keeping it all tight prior to the flip, not letting any particular cola run away from the pack and then flipping when I am ready.


You will find that photo period plants are much more forgiving than autos. @Bonjoyle has you covered.

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With what you have been puttingnin your probally really hot

What’s flip and what’s a cola? I think I know what you mean by train.

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Whoa! Are you sure? I thought the whole point to autoflower was ease and simplicity. Did I miss a memo somewhere?
When you do photoperiod, how do you know which plants are male and must be plucked?

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Hydroponics. He grows in water. Great grower who is near you.


Not ifnyou get feminized seeds. They should all be female and good to rock and roll

Common misperception. Feminized seeds eliminate the need to worry about sex. You flip, or change to flower schedule of 12 hours ON and 12 hours OFF when you decide to. Just a couple of grows and you will have it down.

As I said, @Bonjoyle has you covered. Follow his guidance.


This is what is claimed, but most of us would tell you a photoperiod plant is easier to work with. If you have any issues with an auto it will stall out. Often end up with a plant harvest of one doobie. With a photoperiod you can just let it grow (veg) until it’s big enough for you then change the light schedule to 12 on 12 off (flip). This will stimulate the plant into thinking it’s time to reproduce.

All seeds sold here are feminized which means they will all be ‘female’.

My advice would be to take up @Bonjoyle’s offer and let him mentor you through a complete grow cycle. Cannabis is really easy to grow (they don’t call it ‘weed’ for nothing lol). Once you work out the bugs you’ll do fine.


Everything I’ve read says we cannot tell the gender of a plant from the seed. Only after sprouting can gender be determined. Has that changed fairly recently? My info is about a year old.

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Remember…anyone can grow weed, but only a select few grow consummable cannabis. Heck, even I’m growing weed. It just dies, that’s all.

There are many hundreds of folks on this forum growing top shelf cannabis everyday. Most of us learned how right here.


I know! That’s the select few to whom I refer, of course.