I see people say check out my grow journal all the time. How do you go about doing that? I have a grow journal on ILGM’s dedicated grow journal site, think I’ve had 1 person look lol. Ive tried finding people on there w/ no luck. Relatively new to ILGM forums.
Put this symbol @ in front of anyones name on here. Tag me Brother and I’ll hang out with you
Most people put their Journals on the forum, not that link at the top of the page. I’m not even sure what that’s for honestly! LOL!
Most journals are in the “Show Your Grow” section of the forum.
If you’re looking for someone specific just search their user name, or click on it, and look at the posts listed there. If they have a journal it’ll be there!
Lmao thanks man! On here or the other site @OGIncognito
Thank you @Tylersays I have seen some of those pop up
I’ll tag ya over to mine if you like my friend.
More than welcome to hang out.
Absolutely, I love learning this stuff
I’ll tag you on my grow to save any confusion
Ask that a few times.
Posted under. SHOW US YOUR GROW. Little green box on bottom, Grow journals. Finally saw it.
That’s right Brother, the more the merrier
The best way is to tag others into your journal. Over time you will develop a following of like-minded growers.
@Myfriendis410 I meant on the other ILGM journal thing. Didn’t realize they were seperate and most don’t use it. Thanks for the response though
Yeah; it seems most keep a main journal on this site.
I do like the setup of the other one though. Definitely doing my main one here though.
I looked at the ILGM Grow Journal site. It’s the same as Grow Diaries. I looked around a bit. Thought about doing a journal, and said no thanks. I will stick with doing journals on the Forum side. More open, interactive, and less restrictive. i.e. put in it what you want.
Yeah it is very restrictive, much more fun talking to others here
I tagged you from my journal
GDP to start the new year