I grew a auto pineapple crack about 2 months ago. And i have found 5 seeds so far in her and only in one bud. How does that happen i grow one plant at a time. The seeds look great and i am very curious about them. Will they be autos, will they be fem, will they pop?
I have a few seeds from my last grow and was wondering the same thing. I know a few folks on here that may be able to help @Oldguy @Budbrother @BobbyDigital @dbrn32 can you kind folks help @Axemanjake23 out please?
Your plant probably hermed which meant some pollen sacks formed. When they opened caused to pollinate some buds which created the seeds. They will grow fine if they are mature, but may carry the herm trait from mother plant.
I would certainly save them for a try in the dirt If they look good.
Free seed.
Mine tended to grow great and then hermie on me about in wk 2 flowering for no apparent reason.
They are big solid sounding and a good dark color. I am sure they will pop
If you have limited resources I would just lable them and save them.
Like @dbrn32 said they might very well Cary the Herm trait (Infact most often they do)
The thing about good genetics is that almost all the time you get strong females.
Sucks to put time and effort in only to find out you have a herm
I totally agree, they went in my bug out bag with all my other bag seeds. I might be running from zombies but hey I’ll be stoned