There seem to be pretty heated debate on internet about how low temp can canna plants take…
Now, let’s assume freezing is not an option, but nights in low 40’s are…
How much stress will the plants go through ?
Mine are experiencing low 50’s high 40’s since they were seedlings…
Any thoughts from experience ?
Your right at the limit… I think anything under 54 deg and your pushing it big time… 64 deg would be my limit … anything after that and you better hope you have some strong strains…
Good question. I’m in a similar climate and just about to put some out full time under cover.
Yep, its survival of the fittest , that’s for sure…
I got some out in makeshift hoop house with 100w dark heat lamp on…
I think they hardened well, but you never know…
Live & learn
The thing is here, because of the elevation, the nights are cold in low 50’s even in summer when days are in high 80’s
They just gonna have to deal with it, hopefully well…
I’m not that bad. I’m on the coast so generally it’s fairly mild. This morning for instance it’s 47 F. My girls have been grown indoor, but are spending more time outside as the days get longer. I am hoping to put 4 out permanently next week.
Not from personal experience but I’ve read that some strains just don’t tolerate a 24 hour temp swing of >25°F very well which could cause them to stress to the point of increasing the potential to become hermies.
Never seen that myself but I would definitely consider that as the root cause if you suddenly notice hermies developing after repeat encounters with extreme temp differentials over a 24 hour period.
We don’t gain anything in this region direct sowing anything tender before May 29th. We put seedlings in the ground a week or two sooner maybe. Spinach and chard and kale all get direct sown as soon as the snow finally melts and I can turn the dirt over with a broadfork in a few more weeks. I can’t get my 2 wheel walk behind plow in there until it dries out around mid May since any time I’ve tried to “rush it” I’ve buried that sucker up to the axles in mud.
Thanks brother, I am on a journey to find the strain tolerating swings of 30 F , because that’s what we have here no matter what season is…
The goal is to find out which can take the heat and the cold within 24 hours…( day- night)
The problem here is not the climate, but the elevation, our place is on south side of the mountain ( hot days) but high at 5000 feet ( cold nights)
I will find the ones tolerating it and grow them.
I think you have to trial and error that one man. I think the odds of that being something that would hermie an entire crop is slim to none. We experience those kind of swings here too but for a very short duration during the last few weeks of flower when night time temps dip to around freezing or right in the middle of summer during veg when it’s hot and humid as hell during the day and cool and clear as a bell at night.
I love what the cold does for color (zanaphyll) and the last push of hormones trying to attract pollinators before WillD comes a reapin’.
Trial & error, just like my whole life
Yeah I think this post of Jerry’s sums it up nicely…
Indeed it does, its a journey into unconventional… And I love it !!!
I can tell you from experience cold doesn’t do your plants any favors you can read results in my Purpose Built shed thread
I just got home from road trip it’s very cold night, I moved all my girls back into greenhouse for nice cozy night…
They seem to enjoy those 2 days outside, grow like a weed and started to flower…
A good experiment I think…but back into safety it is…
Good night friends !!!
And thank you !
@Ragnar where I live we have huge swings and whether going from 32 for a high one day to 70 for the high the next day I’ve had a few of my plants that were outdoors get frosted three times in one year the plant is so resilient the stuff grows wild where I live and it makes it through and everything I’ve put in the ground has also made it through don’t know if that will help you any but that’s experiences I’ve had Afghan does while outside with temperature swings and so does super skunk I’ll have more info on other seeds from the side this year I plan on doing at least eight plants outside
Thanks a lot thats a big moral boost…
Thats the trouble i am having now left my sour d seedling outside for 2 days with a 30 degree temp change. Then the weather turned bad so had to bring it inside.
So what i am asking is with a temp change like that should i just bring her in at night. @Ragnar
It depends how much longer you’re going to have swings like that in the weather
Looks like mid 60 in the day and 40 to 50 at night but a lot of rain in the forecast for next 2 weeks
Hey, it will be ok, mine just went through a couple of frost covered nights, tomatos are dead, the girls are ok, no signs of stress…
Give them a little of kelp meal for potasium and they be fine…